Friday 19 January 2018

Slow Cooked Sweet Chili Sauce

If you know me well you will know I have a big thing for chili sauce.....Like a big thing. 

I had a little experiment, as I had managed to get a heck of a lot of tomatoes in the reduced section - yay! I have made sweet chili sauce before but this time I wanted something closer to ketchup. 

Before we get into how I have made this, I want to just say this - It takes like 2-3 days to make.....You will need a slow cooker and blender, I use a hand blender :)


400g Tomatoes (I just used salad tomatoes, am sure it was more but looked at the pack afterwards. Am going to make again to be sure - Fill your slow cooker)
1 red onion
3 Bok Choy
2x cups of sugar

Chili powder, black pepper, paprika

First chop up all the tomatoes, and throw them into the slow cooker. 

Then chop up the onion.

Don't worry about chopping them up to small. 

Chop up the Bok Choy, I used about 90% of the green part.  

Once you have popped it all in your slow cooker (set to high) add the sugar and a tea spoon of the chili and paprika. A good helping of black pepper. You can add more later if needed. 

I cooked on high till the sugar had almost gone. 

Then left it over night on low with the lid on. 

in the morning, I took off the lid and gave it a good stir. There will be a lot of liquid at this point. 

I then left the lid off and cooked on high, this is the sort of dish you need to be around for and stir every hour I would say. Also taste it and see, is it too sweet or does it need more kick? You can add in more chili if needed but wait till closer to the end ;)

The smell is amazing!! The colour will really start to change.

After about 8hrs on high with the lid off, I blended it down with my hand blender.

I added a little more chili powder at this point. 
Time to jar up or use.

Its perfect cold as a dipping sauce, add some tinned tomatoes and make a pasta sauce, or on pizza. So many different things!! 


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