Thursday 18 January 2018

Review - Wicked Kitchen Mushroom Wrap made for Tesco

After sharing the great news that Tesco are bring out some new Vegan items, my Facebook followers asked that I review some!

Wicked Kitchen Mushroom Wrap

I really, really wanted to LOVE this product.....I was very disappointed :( The first biggest problem I had was the packaging. When you first pick it up, it looks like a paper bag but oh no its plastic lined and has a huge plastic pull out tray. 

Most people who have are Vegan are doing it for one or more of three main reasons - 

Animal Welfair

The order of those is different for everyone but they are the three main things. Like most of the people out there, we are all thinking a little bit more about plastic....thank you Blue Planet. 

So a Vegan product really needs to be thinking also about the environment. Someone really dropped the ball on this one, when coming up with the design for the packaging.

Not all of my Facebook followers are Vegan, but interested in what I share. You don't have to be 100% Vegan to be making a huge difference (keep an eye out for my reducing waste blog coming soon.) I think its wonderful more and more people are thinking about their impact to the Planet and what is on their plate. All I will ever say is make informed choices. Know whats on your plate and where it comes from. Interest in Vegan meals, is on the up! Its a very good thing, and I want to be able to support new products coming onto the market. Many of my Facebook followers asked if I would review this new range, and some raised that the packaging had really put them off buying it. 

I see why now, the plastic tray was the same size as my face!! 

I must add I have only tried one item from the range, and will keep trying more in the hope they get better...

What did it taste like, I hear you ask - A plain boring soggy carrot full mess! 

That's what it tasted like :( I was so disappointed. Where was the mushroom??? There was so much carrot, way to much, made me wonder if this was to feed bunnies not me. Soggy and wet. All that plastic did nothing to keep it fresh and ready to eat, there was no crunch or deep flavor. 
I almost put the whole lot in the bin, it was like eating something which had been sat in a puddle. Like I said, so disappointed. The Tesco own Vegan wrap is so good, and for the same money you get the wrap, a drink and crisps/or fruit. By the end of my meal, I felt like I had been taken for a soggy ride :( I wouldn't buy this wrap again and think it would put people off turning to a Vegan diet. 

It was so very disappointing and I wanted so much to like it. 

Please, please support new Vegan items coming on sale. Maybe give this wrap a miss though...Make sure you give feedback and I am sure they are better than this soggy disappointment. 

I will keep trying more of the range and let me know how I get on, if you have tried any and yours was ok let me know!! 

Alice, ever hopeful for a rethink on this product :)

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