Wednesday 3 January 2018

Cheesy Potatoes with Gnocchi, Tomatoes and Olives.

This is a really yummy dish which I was surprised to see cleared plates from all of us. (3, 5 & 7yr olds loved it.) 

Its a real 'what ever you have to use up' sort of dish. 


For the Gnocchi with tomatoes and olives - 

1x tin of tomotoes
hand full of green olives (you wont need loads, a small amount sliced in two is fine)
hand full of mushrooms
1x onion
1/4 red pepper
1/4 yellow pepper
hand full of sun dried tomatoes
huge hand full of spinach
1x stick of celery
hand full of cherry or favorite small tomato

Black Ground Pepper
1-2 glasses of white wine

This is the sort of dish you can really add or take away, only have red wine in then use that. Don't like spinach leave it out, this was just what I had in the fridge :)

In with the above dish is Quorn Fillets but hard to see from my photo :) You don't have to use these, but they are quite yummy :) and our mini people like them too. 

For the Cheesy Potatoes - 

1-2 white potatoes per person
corn flour
vegan cheese (You can leave this off if you want, I used Tesco own mozzarella as it melts really well.)

I find the best way is to slow cook for a good 40 mins, if not longer, this just makes the flavor deeper. 

First fry up the onions, peppers, celery and mushrooms. Adding pepper and herbs (I added about a teaspoon of fresh rosemary, a tiny amount of ground garlic too once I had added the tin of tomatoes) Once they have started the brown, throw in the cherry tomatoes, and the wine. Then add the tin of tomatoes (re-fill with about half again water) and the olives. Add the spinach and sun dried tomatoes. Pop a lid on and let it bubble lightly while you get on.

Get a large bowl, peel and slice up the potatoes.

Then toss the potatoes in the corn flour. Making sure they are fully covered. 

I had run out of oil so had to use the oil from the sun dried tomatoes jar.....

You need the oil to be quite hot, so have your wits about you! Fry the potatoes till they have browned both sides. 

You could serve straight away but to help with timing and to allow the cheese to melt I put them on a baking try. 

Sprinkle on cheese and put to one side. 

At this point I transferred the gnocchi over to a baking tray. Slow cooking in a pan makes the gnocchi very soft, popping in the oven and roasting it, gives it just a little more loveliness.

Put the two trays in the oven and roast.

While this was roasting I cooked the Quorn, I cook it like this (am sure the package says differently.) Quorn slow cooked in a sauce turns to mush I have found so I add it in last minute ;)

I fry it from frozen, adding pepper and a little oil. When it has started to brown both sides I add a bottle of Babycham - I don't know why, I think it was just the only thing I had in the cupboard but now I do it every time! I turn up the heat till the Babycham as started to boil and then reduce down the heat until its gone. 

Gives it a lovely flavor. You don't need to add Babycham or cook it this way. A small glass of white wine would do the same thing. 

Once the two trays of potatoes and gnocchi have roasted nicely (this is good meal if you are running late getting everyone to the table as you can just turn down the oven or after putting it into baking trays you can put to one side and cook later (or freeze just the sauce or half, at that point too.) 

Plate up..

It was yummy, and all the plates where cleared.


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