Sunday 21 January 2018

Our New Project!

We drove through driving rain, hail, sleet and snow. Three kids in the back, blankets, food and spent from 10am till 6-7pm in the car (with a brake to hitch up and play in the show!!) We had no idea when we left the house what weather laid in wait for us the higher north we drove. 

Our youngest Dot, has never seen the snow before and just stood in shock while the boys set about making snow balls! I am so proud of our little people doing so well and not needing to watch anything till at least 5pm - by that point we had all had enough. 

I stopped counting at around 10 smashed up cars on the side of the road....It got to a point where my husband Tim said we should think about turning back but we where almost there. In such bad conditions we still saw so many people driving so badly. Speeding, changing lanes without warning, and with far too much speed. Using fog lights in driving rain - I hate that!! 

Slow down people, be careful!! 

Turning off the main road was where the real fun began, not salted!! 

So why where we doing this?!?!? At last we where going to pick up something very exciting! We needed all this....

My bargain tool box from a boot fair, a lighting board, two wheels, a jack, and lots of tools! 

What could we have been going to get......

A 1960's Sprite Alpine!

She was sat looking a little unloved but moved with no problems even though she had been sat for over 20 years!! She towed home perfectly! 

She or he, is our *new* 1965 (possibly 1966, or 1964, no one is sure!) Sprite Alpine! We haven't thought of a name and may run a little comp to find the right one so watch this space! 

Our Touran is now up for sale, so this may be our last towing adventure with her. We felt a little sad about that :(

Am very over the moon about this little Alpine as so much of her original self is still inside!! Lots and lots of work to do but will be worth it.
It was so lovely to chat with her old owner about her adventures and will keep in touch through her restoration. We feel very lucky! 

The mini people where so amazing and so proud of my husband driving us all back ok in terrible weather. 

I will be updating the blog with a video of our little crazy snow adventure soon, so check back soon. 

Here is a little sneak peek of our new Sprite, on our little adventure to get her! 


  1. Well done you all. That was some adventure you had and weren't the little people brilliant.

    1. Thank you, we are so lucky that they are really good with big trips like this. Most of the day stuck in the car, but they still chat about getting to play in the snow (I think they though they where just traveled all that way to play in the snow!)

  2. Excellent write up, looking forward to seeing how you get along :)

    1. Thank you! Glad to read you liked my blog and I will be adding updates soon! :)
