Thursday 13 April 2017

Marmite Chips (Yeast Extract)

Am in the 'LOVE IT' club, but sorry Marmite, your jolly expensive when am penny counting! (So the own brand of Yeast Extract won out this month!) Love it or hate it, its mega good for you and on a plant base diet it gives you loads of B12! Yay, win win! 

So I saw someone put it on their roast potatoes and thought - wonder what that would be like on chips. Well, hubby said they where amazing! (He is my bench mark! lol) I have for years been putting a spoon full in bolognese, yummy!

Just white potatoes peeled and chopped into chip shape (when I made them first I used a mix of sweet and white.)

A little oil, I find that chips cook much better on metal trays not glass or china!

Its hard to spread the stuff on the chips so I just put it on a few and mixed. Last time, I had a full pan of chips so I just spooned it in a few places and mixed them.

Cook till crispy on the outside and yummy on the inside ;)



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