Wednesday 12 April 2017

Meal Ideas

I thought I would share this weeks meal plan. This week is a little different, as its the Easter Holidays. This means am making more snacks and quicker meals. There are many more pre-made items being used this week! 

Also this week, is Bear's 5th Birthday, so big cake, day out, Church and Easter Egg Hunt! All go! 

If you really want to save money on your food shop, meal planning is the way to go. It takes more time, but its worth it, click here for my blog all about meal planning. Also click here for my tips on bringing down  the cost of your weekly shop!

So what have I got planned for this week: We had run the cupboards really low this week, so I've got to buy a few basics like sauces and rice. I would love to make my own BBQ and Ketchup but so far I haven't tried it!

Main Meals/Dinners:

Pie and Chips - Home made Pie, with mushrooms. Click here for my 'No-Chick Pie' Am going to add lots of mushrooms this week. 

Lasagna, Salad and Garlic Bread - Click here for simple lasagna, I often make it with 'no cheese sauce' Click here for how to make it. I do make my own garlic bread, but this week some pre-made bread as slipped into my basket! If you want to try the very yummy home-made stuff click here! (Am regretting buying pre-made now....) 

Tofu, Rice, Sweet Chili Sauce and Kale/Green veg - I love this meal, its one of hubby's current favorites too and the minis like it as well! Click here for how to make the most amazing tofu!!

Scamp, Chips and Sauce - This is the new 'Scampi' by Linda McCartney, I cant wait to try it and will report back on what its like!!

Wraps, Peppers and Hoisin Sauce - This is a great meal to share as a family, the kids love making their own wraps! Click here for wraps!

The Weekend:

It's Bear's 5th birthday this weekend, and Easter! So its packed! At some point am hoping to do a roast, but this may get pushed out till next week. We are having a day out on Saturday, with cake, packed lunch. Am going to cook an early big birthday breakfast, with Cake and surprises (that's the plan.) Sunday, is Easter Sunday. We will be at Church in the morning, then two Easter Egg Hunts are planned! I will fit in a light snack and have dairy/meat free eggs on hand..... 

Roast, Sweed, Parnips, Sweet Potato Mash and Marmite Roast Potatoes - I mostly do a nut roast, pie or cauliflower for a Sunday roast. The other week we tried a new replacement to a joint, so we are going to have this again this week. I try not to buy too many replacement items, but this week, even though pre is very small, am having a 'I cant be bothered with anything' sort of week! ;) This is teamed with Marmite Potatoes! I have made the most amazing chips with Marmite, so am excited to try roast potatoes! (I will update the photo when I've made it!) (This maybe Saturday nights meal, depending on what time we get home!)

Click here for a link to Marmite Chips!

Snack Plate - In the week, with all the kids off from school and running about like mini rockets. I love to make sharing snack plates, for snack-time.  Its a great way to use up that last carrot, just chop it all up and pop on a large plate or in this case charger plate. It helps to make food go a little further too. One apple, one carrot, can go along way, when chopped up all together.  A proper snack, yummy and good for you! Click here for ideas for your platters.

So that is this weeks shop! It really pays to plan out your meals, saves money and also helps to plan timings!

As our delivery arrived really late this evening, we brought chips and eat them in the caravan! Kids loved it. I love having our caravan at home with us, its an extra room for the minis and it feels like a little mini brake! If you want to see more of my recipes click here. 

Hope you all having a lovely Easter Brake/Holiday, all I can say is, thank goodness for Glenn Miller on vinyl and coffee.....

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