Friday 14 April 2017

Family Budgeting

Here are a few of my tips, for keep meals on the table while working to a very tight family budget. From saving money too being frugal. 

Like most family's in the UK, we are finding it harder and harder to keep our heads above water. Since changing to a vegan/plant based diet I have seen some savings in our weekly shop and we just feel better too. I've had way less colds, I feel much healthier. We haven't saved millions as many 'free from' products are more expensive but for less money our meals are far more healthier!

First thing write down all your outgoings and double check what is coming out of your bank, is it correct? I know of people who still have a driect debt coming out for a service or insurance which has long been cancilled! Best thing is to add all this to a spreadsheet, list all of the bills coming out each month and then add all the months for the next year.  Then go through each and see if you can reduce any. Call each one and ask if you are getting the best deal, when I called Virgin, I got it reduced from over 70 to 53, now its on direct debt! Going paperless can reduce bills too, you do have to keep on top of it but it will save you a few pounds a year. Get as much as you can onto direct debit, you can forget about it and save on late payment fees. I worked out how much all the bills where, opened up a joint account and then the right amount is transferred over to that account and left. Its so easy to see money in your account and forget that things can take some time to show!

One of the biggest savings is my husband now cycling into work each day. We have spent a fair amount on bikes (one fell apart!) and safety things. He likes doing and we are saving by just having one car. He bikes 22 miles a day! I don't know how he does it, am so proud of him! I know this isn't something everyone can do, but its worth looking into if its possible. In the summer holidays, I walked the children to the shops and used the car as little as possible, a small saving here and there but it does add up.

Check your electric bills! I changed from southern (been with them over 6yrs) to e-on. Went from 160 a month to 80!! Over a year this is a huge saving.

Where do you shop? If its Tesco, look into the Christmas club. My friend told me about it last year and am so glad she did. We have our mobiles with them now too, and e-on give you clubcard points or high-street vouchers at the end of the year, so its all adding up! They used to double up on toys and clothes, but their not doing that this year. If we can afford it, I want to use what we have saved up for ferry crossings for a holiday next year or to help us with the Christmas gifts shop! I know others who save with Salisburys, it really depends where you already shop. I know people say that Tesco is more expensive but I've found like for like its about the same for my shop, use by is longer and I get the points too. If I have something I want to buy, I check if they have it first. When we brought our little girls bed, I checked and they where selling it too. That way I got the points on top as well!

Being a family of five, we go through a lot of bread. I find that shop brought bread makes me feel really bloated and it often has milk in it. Our bread maker is on most days, to every other. It saves lots on our shopping budget. I also make really Yummy Buns  without the bread maker, cheap and yummy! Perfect for burgers or packed lunches. I have made these lots this week as they are great for hubbys lunch at work and a snack after school for the hungry mini people! 

Slow cooker, this is such a huge time saving tool, but also you can cook lots of cheap easy meals. In a batch and freeze down some at the same time. There are so many things you can make in a slow cooker, check out my Italian Tomatoes and Olives its yummy! They cost about the same as leaving on a light bulb all day and so easy to use. 

When I go food shopping, I always check the reduced section first. There are so many things you can freeze down, from bread to spinach! A load of reduced veggies, in the slow cooked and then blits, amazing soups. Soups are a great money saving meal, not only can you use up a bit of left over veggies but also they freeze really well, have a look at my Slow Cooked Soup. Think about where you shop too, I do our main shop at Tesco, and then I go to a car boot sale that has an amazing veggies stall! Sometimes farm shops can work out cheaper as you maybe able to buy bigger amounts. 

Car insurance, staying with the same company is easy, but make sure you shop about. Also call up your car insurance company and ask them if your getting the best deal too. Sometimes, adding on another driver brings down the cost, adding on our tow bar brought it down!

I buy from boot sales/charity shops, swoop clothes with friends. Children grow so quickly we swoop clothes back and fourth between children of different ages. Its really nice seeing something you little one was wearing and remembering how small they where! 

If you have a garden, get working on a veg patch. It's amazing what you can save with a little veg patch-when you peal your potatoes throw in the peels, almost each peel is a potato!! I always grab a herb plant in the reduced section, with a little love you can end up with a big beautiful plant! I haven't brought rosemary for over two years! As at last my herb pot is doing really well. You don't need much space at all for herbs, they can grow inside too. I mostly use mint and rosemary. 

Wild blackberry picking, this will save you money and also give you a great fun actively for all the family. Please read Blackberry Picking before you set off foraging for food. 

Make do and mend, I have a small pile of things waiting to be mended but it's worth it. You will be amazed at what you can do to alter or fix clothing very quickly. I use my sewing machine for work but it's also saved me a little too. Making cushion covers, Christmas gifts and dresses. I also make my little ones blankets too as I love to crochet. Often car boots and charity shops are selling off unused wool so keep an eye out. I find it really relaxing and love seeing the mini people snuggled up under something I've made for them. 

Think natural, so often the natural way is cheaper too. Take Soap Nuts, they are cheap, good for your skin and our planet. Also, way, way cheaper! Click here to see my review of them. I use lemon a lot, not just for cooking, but also cleaning! 

I will add to this blog, so make sure you bookmark it!