Monday 10 July 2017

Caravan Pancakes

My family LOVES pancakes!

They are so easy to make in the caravan too, perfect for breakfast or lunch! 


Long life Soya Milk
Self Raising Flour
Banana 1-2

For my pancakes I mostly use the Tesco own soya milk, which keeps very well when you have limited fridge space.

Depending on how many of you there are, or how hungry you are is how many cups you need. A small batch, for two people, 2 cups of flour and 2 of milk, to 1 banana. Add the milk slowly, till you get the thickness you like. How thick you like your gravy is the same as your pancake mix ;)

If you are still hungry or there are more of you just double the above, so 2 bananas to 4 cups of flour and milk. 

You can also add a hand full of dried fruit into the mix or chia seeds. 

Once you have got your mix ready, make sure your pan is heated up. Add a little oil or about a 10p size of butter, making sure you have coated the bottom of the pan. You want to get it too a good medium heat. So the oil is hot but not smoking. Pour in your mix, depending on the spoon size is how big your pancake will be. Once its not sticking to the pan, flip and then flatten the pancake by pushing down the cooked underside of the pancake. 

While you are making them, make sure you stack them on top of each other, this will keep them warm! 

Just mix together (having chopped up the banana very small) till you get the thickness you want, adding more milk to make them thinner. 

So yummy, and easy to make! They can be very filling for cold days in the caravan, adding what ever you like with them. From lemon & sugar, honey (click here for how to make my amazing Pear Honey) chocolate too!

I love cooking in our caravan. I have too of my Nana's aprons, one lives in the house and one in Daisy the caravan!

Make sure you pile them on top of each other as you make them, this keeps them warm ;)

We use china in Daisy, a set of J&G Meakin from 1960, called Poppy. (Its in much better condition to the new set we have at home, so am slowly replacing the new set with one from the 1960s - they don't make them like they used too!)

I forgot the lemons, so used oranges and jaffa cakes :) YUM!

You can watch me make 'Caravan Pancakes' in this video.

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