Wednesday 12 July 2017

Fir Tree Falconry

Daisy's second outing, to Fir Tree Farm, Warmington, Banbury, Oxfordshire. It was a fab weekend, out on a Retro Caravan Club rally. 

Outside movie, campfires, friends, popcorn, pancakes, walks and lakes. A perfect sunny weekend away! 

First off, wow, the site is beautiful. Even though there was a large party, kids all over, it felt still, calm and relaxing. 

I could have spent my whole time just taking photos, it was so beautiful!

Being on site with the Retro Caravan Club, is like a step back in time. Its really nice to arrive knowing you will have support and ready made friends. Our oldest said his favorite thing about the weekend was seeing his caravanning friends again!

Talking of friends, they where kept very busy washing cars. It was so hot, so it was a perfect idea to keep them all cool, with some water play. They loved it! Proper team work! (It also gave us a moment to have a cup of coffee too, win win!) 

Not much bets getting our little family off on adventurers.

The main loo block was a little walk from where we where sited but it was a lovely walk. A few things to note, there are I think only 4 loos with showers. The showers are lovely. They are large and we could fit all 5 of us in the room, with lots of room to be getting mini people in there pjs, showering and other spending a penny! There are some port-loos at the bottom of the hill, but in the crazy hot heat we had that weekend, you would not want to be in there for long!! This did mean that there could be a big wait for a shower or to use the loo. 
There is a great place to wash up too, I didn't find that I had to wait for that. A great drying rack above too, which made it really easy to wash up. 

It was so nice to be pretty much set up with Daisy, with not much left to buy for her or make! There are still a few jobs left to do but this weekend, we had got into a good rhythm of using her new layout. (I have a bunk-bed to add, but I have changed how we use the back, into two beds, not having to make them up each night)

Being such a beautiful weekend of sunshine, we really got to enjoy just having the canopy up and not full awning. I love that her front window opens right up. It was needed as it was mega hot! It made a huge difference opening her skylight, pulling out the hot air and allowing the cold air to pull in. (I really didn't think it would make as much of a big difference as it did!) I think my Nana's table cloth looks fab on Daisy's camping table, and the chairs look pretty good too! Keep an eye out for the blog on how I jazzed them up.

So much of my family things are Daisy, one of my Nana's aprons lives in the caravan! It comes in handy making pancakes!

Pancakes are perfect in the caravan, click here for how to make easy vegan caravan pancakes!

There is a lovely walk just off the campsite. Its beautiful. 

We only walked the small one as we where kept very busy on site and didn't feel the need to head off the site. We didn't even go to see the Falconry. This site is on our list, that we must go back too but no way in the wet, and cold. Why you ask, pulling our caravan back up that hill was scary, our car really doesn't have the power for big hills! 

It was so easy to relax, the site, even though it was busy was so calm. Records on, watching the grass in the field dance in the light breeze!

Such a pretty site!

Our days where full, and in the evening we had a movie night. The club used a projector and a bed sheet. Handed out popcorn, while we sit in our camping chairs and watched 1970's adverts and a mini film! It was fab!

Am so happy with our awning, the first time we used it was pretty windy so it didn't fit all that great. But in perfect sun, it really helped to keep us all cool! We did find out that we need to fix part of the awning rail which, it needs to be closed a little as the canopy keeps popping out in parts! 

We were all sad to pack up, but all knackered, a full on weekend, our youngest fell asleep as soon as I put her in her carseat!

Daisy is looking pretty different! I've got so used to how she looks now that when someone said about it, I was like, oh yea!

All packed up and ready to try the hill!! We cheered other members getting to the top and gave us some hope we could get up it! No way would I want to do it in the wet! 

The site was a little bit of heaven and we will return as soon as we can!

Click above for our vlog.

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