Monday 10 July 2017

Mac & No-Cheese

This is such an easy meal to make for mini people! 

Cheap, good for you and easy to make! 


1x can of coconut milk
1x tea spoon of mustard
1 large butternut squash (I sometimes use a bag of frozen butternut squash! Even quicker!)
Macaroni pasta

Chop up and peel the butternut, or grab the bag of frozen squash.

Boil till soft, then add the milk and mustard.

Blend all together! 

This is one of my favorite meals to take camping. As the macaroni is quick to cook and I just mix in the pre-made sauce. The best way I have found, unless its our first night's meal, is freezing it! I pre-make the sauce and then pop it in a freezable bag. Then in the cool box or fridge, it will slowly thaw out while keeping other things cool. The minis love it with a little bit of Gary (vegan cheese) on top! 

Its yummy! I quite often put it with homemade garlic bread - Yum!! 

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