Monday 10 July 2017

Mini Craft Packs

Our minis love craft, its the one thing which keeps them in one place for more than a few minutes! So while we are away in our 1960's caravan, I wanted to make sure we had craft stuff with us.

Each of our children have a little backpack, we call it there adventure pack! Keep an eye out for my blog all about whats in there! I made mini craft packs to go in their backpack. 

Each of our three minis have a set, here is whats in them:

I leave the glue at home, but put in the glue stick and tape. This was a great little set at only 1.50 each. 

only 80p each! 

I found these little packs (you can see at the bottom) with a note book, pencil, sharper, and pen in them. All in a small see through wallet. They where 3 pounds each which I thought was pretty good, as its a ready made little bag to pop all their craft bits in.

Each pack has a pare of child scissors, only 1 pound each! 

I only brought 2 packs of stickers, as there are lots in a pack and split them between the three packs. 

The perfect little mini craft pack! They have keep them very entertained! 

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