Sunday 21 August 2016

How to make an easy pillow cover!

While doing up Daisy, I have been on the hunt for some vintage / retro fabric for her. I was going to use a new fabric and matched all her colours to it but it's been discontinued. But even though it's much more work, hunting for retro matching fabric, it's worth it as it looks fab!

A little prep work for the video, ironing the fabric. While playing some old records!

Using new pillows and cushions, and beautiful retro fabrics, Daisy is starting to really come together!

Here's my first 'how to' video for making an easy pillow case. So sorry my camera fell over! Also it's quite long but shot in real time and shows how quickly you can make a great pillow case!

I was lucky that it the fabric does work well with the tablecloth! (which could also do with being ironed....)

This is the first time, I've filmed a 'how to' video like this so I hope its ok and easy to follow. My silly camera fell down! I haven't edited it, even though its quite long, it does show how quickly you can do it.

Any questions just let me know. 


  1. Fantastic Alice. Thank you. I'll have a go and show you when I see you x Julie French x
