Saturday 20 August 2016

Another Slow Cooked Curry!

An easy, cheap, use up your veg sort of meal!


1x can of coconut milk
1x tablespoon of korma curry paste (I think it needed two)
2x hand fulls of brown mushrooms
1x medium size butternut squash
Half a sweed
About 2 handfuls of carrots (I had some frozen ones to use up.)
1x red chilli
1x red onion
2-3 spring onion
2x sweet potatoes 

Chop up the butternut squash, cook till soft. 

Fry the red onion and pepper. 

Add the chilli!

Add carrots, sweed and sweet potato too the slow cooker set to high. (Throw in any rot veg, it's a great way to use up stuff!) 

Add the fried onion, pepper and chilli once starting to brown and soften. Add the mushrooms (uncooked) aswell.

Add korma curry paste the now soft butternut squash and the can of coconut milk to a blender.

You can mash them or add them to blender. I used my smoothie maker! (Saves me getting the big blender out.) 

Add the  and blend till thick and creamy.

Add to the slow cooker and pop the spring onions on top. Cook on high until the curry starts to bubble or about an hour. Then on low for 3-4hrs (I just checked that the hardest rot veg was soft, the sweed and serverd. I think you could throw this all in the morning and come back to it for dinner. The longer it's cooked the deeper the favour. Some of the veg, like the sweet potato had started to disintegrate after 3-4hrs but it was still yummy!

I served it with cus cus and rice. On the left is the child size and right, parent size (of which we both had seconds!)

Our 5yr old loved the rice and cus cus and had a little of the curry. Our youngest, at 2yrs loved it and stole some of her brothers and asked for more! Our 4yr old ran off crying.....he is in the fun 'i won't try anything unless it looks like chips' phase!

*note to self, hover after cuscus!

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