Monday 4 April 2016

Slow Cooked Packed Out Chilli


1x large red onion
2x sticks of celery 
2x handfuls of brown mushrooms
2x carrots
1x small leek
1x tin of Black eyed peas, chic peas (I used dryed) butter beans and cannelloni beans
1/2-1 tin full of Red lentils
3x tins of tomatoes 
3-4 tin fulls of water (so it covers it all)
Glass to two of red wine
(Can add soya mince.)

Rosemary, thyme, black pepper, 2 bits of garlic and chilli powder.

Seeds; sesame seeds, chia seeds and linseeds

Fry the onion, celery, leek and carrot. Once it's started to brown add mushrooms. 

Then when they start to brown, throw it all in! 

Keep mixing it (I use a large wooden spoon) till it all comes up to a gentle boil. I then cooked it on the hob for about 20 minutes on a gentle low boil. Then about 40 minutes on low heat. 

It's now in the oven at 100c. (The longer you cook it for the stronger the flavours and chilli becomes.) Am hoping to cook it for about 3-4hrs I may turn the oven down a little. I thought I should write this up before I forgot what I put in it! Will write it up better later :) 

It came out looking dry but just needed to be mixed. It was not as stronger flavour as I wanted, will add more chilli powder next time ;) 

I added some soya mince. It was so filling and yummy, with rice! Note to self:don't used dryed chickpeas! Use a can or sock over night ;) 

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