Saturday 5 November 2016

Simple Lasagna

I made a really simple tomato sauce-

1/2 a bag of soya mince -been ages sence I've used soya mince

1/2 a red and yellow pepper

1 and 1/2 of a celery stick

2 mushrooms

1 spring onion

2 small red onions

1/3 of a leek

2 tins tomatos

Refilled one tin, once and added the water

Table spoon of sesame seeds and another of porridge oats. 

Teaspoon of rosemary. Lots of black pepper and a about a table spoon of chia seeds. 

Fried up and then added the tins, and water. Reduced down a little and then layed into a very large cooking dish, with lasagne pasta strips. Top layer of the no cheese sauce and then a few seeds. Yum -it's just come out of the oven!

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