Saturday 19 November 2016

5 Bean Chilli

I love a chilli, it's easy, it can feed lots of people for a dinner party or round a campfire! You can have it with jacket potatos or rice, salad or everlything. It also freezes really well, so perfect as a mid-week meal! 

There are lots of ways to cook it, from on the hob, oven or in the slow cooker. No matter which way you are cooking it, fry up the celery, pepper and onion first then slow cook from then on. Be that in the oven or slow cooker. (Depending on how much time you have.)


1 tin of the following-

Hariot Beans
Butter Beans
Black Eyed Beans
Cannelloni Beans

2x tins of tomatoes (and one refilled tin of cold water.)
1x red onion
1x celery stick
1/2 a green pepper

Chilli powder and black pepper. 

This is a very simple dish, you can add herbs and spices too. I often use a glass of red wine when frying the onion but I've run out ! ;)

Fry up the pepper, onion and celery. Add depending on taste, 2-4 teaspoons of chilli powder. (With a little oil.)


Make sure you keep stiring it so it doesn't stick and that its all coated in the chilli. 

Rince all the beans in cold water and add to the pot-once the onions have started to brown. 

Add the tomoato and refill one can once with cold water and add. 

I heated this up on hob in an ovenproof cooking pot. 

Cook in the oven till reduced, I cooked at 180-200 for about 30-45mins. Yum! 

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