Saturday 12 November 2016

Vegan Pizzas

Easy Vegan Pizza!

So I had forgot to make some bread this morning for sandwiches and lunch time had come round really quickly. I had some left over pastry from making pies, so I rolled it out and just throw on what I had to hand.
Husband now wants a huge on for dinner tonight!

Sesame seeds 
Vegan cheese (I used violife) 
Baby tomatoes
1 spring onion
1 slice of a red pepper
You can make a like this Pastry or my favorite is a light bread mix which I will be blogging about soon ;)
Sliced up nuggets (I used quarn ones)
Sliced up vegan sausages

Made liked my short crust pastry but with s/r flour and about 6oz of butter. 

Roll out to the thickness you want (keep in mind will rise a tiny amount.) Spread on pesto or bbq sauce or tomato. Leave the edges bare and put on some oil around that. 

I used pizza tray but a thin oven tray will work (using a thick one will make it hard to get the pizza out!)

You really can put what ever you want on top. This time i chopped up small, spring onions, cherry tomatoes and red peppers. I had some sausages and nuggets leftover so fried them and sliced them up! This large pizza only needed two sausages and two nuggets. A few sesame seeds and some violife cheese. Perfect!

You really can put anything on, just remember bigger cuts may need to be cooked first.

Its a great way to use up left overs, and a mega cheap meal! 


Hubby's Easy Pizza

Been trying out new 'Gary' (Vegan cheeses) Here is the 'mozzarella' free from, from Tesco.......

O M Goodness - Its amazing and melts so well! This is a pizza my husband made, sliced up - peppers, onions and big chunks of sun dried tomatoes. It was so yummy! (He brought a pre-made base, make sure you check, as some pre-made bases have milk in them.)

Mega easy to make:

Pre-made base
Pre-made pizza sauce
peppers (red and green) red onion and sun dried tomatoes

Pop in the oven till cooked, melted and yummy! 

Sweet Chili Pizza

BBQ sauce
Sweet chili sauce
what ever toppings you want! 

Mostly I use mushrooms, sliced up sausages, nuggets, peppers and onions.

On a bed of BBQ sauce, then sweet chili sauce dribbled over the top. Pop in the oven till perfect! (No Gary needed on this one!)

So yummy! 

If you like pizza and wanna eat plant based, make sure you book mark this blog as I will be adding more! 

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