Saturday 19 November 2016

Pan Fried Dumplings

I warn you now, they are not mega healthy, they are fried in oil. They are yummy, and a little fat is fine, right!?! They go prefect with my Tomato and Olives! (I make them two different ways, one with butter and one way without. This is the non butter way - I will blog the butter way soon.)


2 cups self raising flour
1 cup soya milk
2 teaspoons of sugar
1 teaspoon of baking powder

Oil to cook with

Mix all the dry ingredients in together.

Then add in the milk slowly. 

Work like bread, into a dough.

Roll it out on a floured surface. 

Then separate equally sized balls, and flatten a little in your hand (so not perfect round.) They should double in side so allow space in the pan!

Heat up the oil (you need it hot be careful, not smoking but sizzling) 

Drop in the balls. (Carefully) 

They will start to brown, check them before flipping over to cook the other side. 

Flip very carefully. 

They sometimes need to be put on their side of very thick, to make sure they are cooked through.

Wipe off excess oil and serve! Amazing!!
