Friday 15 January 2016

Homemade Breadcrumbs

I bake about a loaf a day, so my bread machine is always hard at work. I often get the odd end piece left over, so the best thing to do is make my own breadcrumbs. 

So handy to have in the kitchen and always needed. 

This first stage you can just toast them but I like going straight to the oven.

Bake till golden brown (I baked at about 190c for about 15-20mins) don't burn them. 

Once they are starting to turn a nice golden brown, blend. They will most likely still be damp to the touch. 

Pop them back into the oven. This second bake I turned the oven right down to 100c and kept mixing them up for an equal bake. 

Keep a close eye that they don't burn, I kept them low as I was popping in and out of the kitchen doing some washing. Then once dryed out, blend again till the consistency and size you want.  

(Check, if still damp return to the oven again.)

Add to an air tight container and use. I love using my own breadcrumbs, it may sound a bit extreme but it's great to reduce waste and know what's in them.

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