Tuesday 5 January 2016

Girls Night Nut Roast

My turn to cook this week, for our weekly girls night dinners. Really fancied a nut roast but having not long had Christmas, I thought the girls would fed up of full on roasts so sweet potatoes it was! 

Here is my second ever nut roast-


Lots and lots of Mushrooms
Half a courgette
Handful of peanuts
Handful of cashews nuts
Handful of walnuts

(I need to start weighing as I go!) 

Blend up the nuts, add to a large bowl.

Fry up mushrooms till starting to brown off and squeaky. Then blend and add to the nuts. 

Don't worry about all being the same size.

Grate courgette add in with the mushrooms.

Add what ever seeds you would like. (Will list once I have got the baby off to bed.)

Breadcrumbs and mix.

Handful of porridge oats, mix.

Once mixed add to a bread tin, which you have lined or buttered.

Cover and pop in an oven at about 190, I cooked it for just over an hour and it was a little dry. So try for about 45 minutes. 

Take off too to brown. 

This was so close to being perfect, just a little over done.

Place on top of pre brought and rolled puff pasty. Close and add detail, oiling the party. Cook till golden. 

Everyone had seconds, the whole thing was gone. 


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