Wednesday 2 March 2016

Mango and Sweet Potato

I've had this tin of mango for ages, waiting for me to think up a nice curry to use it with. I have run out of chilli powder, but thought I would give it a go tonight!

It went down a treat, hubby loved it (think he's on his 3rd helping) 1yr old loved it and 5yr old cleared his plate too! (The 3yr old wondered off with his train, he's difficult to please at the moment!)


3-4 sweet potatoes
Tin of mango pulp, I used about half of this large tin.
Coconut Milk, I used about 3-4 table spoons and a little juice.
A tin of tomatoes
One green pepper
One onion
Half a red pepper
Two spring Onions 
5-6 large brown mushrooms
One large clove of garlic, I chopped it into large chunks but watch for them when serving. 
(I added some crushed walnuts and almonds, say about 2 of each. Also about a table spoon of chia seeds.)

I cut up the sweet potatoes and boiled them, while I was cooking all the dry ingredients.

I fried all the dry ingredients in a little oil on high, till they started to get a really lovely caramel. Adding lots of black pepper, lots and a little cajun pepper. 

Then to the dry ingredients, I added the mango pulp and coconut milk/a little juice as well. It was very sweet at this point, so added the tomatoes. Then tasted. 

What really brought out the favours was slow cooking it. I always slow cook in the slow cooker or oven. I didn't have much time to get the most out of the slow cooker and my favourite dish to slow cook in the oven was waiting to be washed up. So I slow cooked it on the hob in the pan. For about 1.5hrs-2. The beauty of doing it this way meant I could keep checking the favour. It came out a lovely thick almost caramel source. I served it with rice. Click here for perfect RICE!

This dish was just using up things I had to hand so am sure things could be added or taken out. 

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