Friday 11 March 2016

Renovating a Retro/Vintage Caravan - Roof Garden

Doing up Daisy! 

The next scary job, is Daisy's skylight.....

I must admit, I've been pushing this one to the back of my well the moss scares me!!

Am still working in the back of the van but thinking ahead to this being my next big job. 

So while suns out I thought I would get the step ladder out and take a look....

Here's Daisy's roof garden.....

Am still quite scared but I have a plan! Will update once the parts get here, fingers crossed for lots of sunshine while I wait! 

Finding a skylight to fit Daisy is proving to be hard work! They just don't make them like that anymore. I thought the best thing was to make a temporary skylight, which will do until we could somehow find one. My first plan was to make the whole thing from perspex, but then I thought about the family boat (wood.) I had quite a lot of off cuts left and used them to make a simple frame.

I painted it with three thin layers of silk paint, then two - three of varnish. 

The perspex sheet fits quite well and am mega proud of my self as never made anything like this, ever!! 

I need to add some sealant and then work out how to hold it in place......but am very inpressed with my self! 

It's due to rain here tomorrow, fingers crossed that she holds!! (Am still waiting for the sealant to arrive!) 

Follow along on doing up Daisy by clicking here or you can check out her adventures, by clicking here.

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