Tuesday 13 September 2016

Review: Wow with WunderBrow

I was sent the WunderBrow 1-Step Brow Gel to try and I must say am impressed!

Above was the first time I tried it, my top tip is to neaten up your brows before applying the WunderBrow.

Here's me at Goodwood Revival, I really put this stuff to the test! A hot summers day and it stayed in place, perfect all day (in fact it's still perfect with no touch-ups two days later!) 

It's only taken me two goes, (with busy loud children pulling on me, no idea, they are happy playing and they see me putting on make-up and I become very popular!) to be happy with the finished look! 

It's easy to use, though I did use a smaller brush to keep the outside lines a little crisper. It did fill the little gap I have in my brow, and love that you can draw with it so easily. You can create different shapes or just follow your natural lines. 

Normally my eye brows would be lost in photos, but you can see that they look fab even from a distance. (Without looking to dark and fake.) The first time I applied it, I put on way to many layers and it was far to dark and wide. But a little less and a little thinner, was perfect. 

For me anything which saves me time, is a winner. With three busy children, 5 and under, who like to get up early....leaves me with very little time to be ready for the day. My make-up has become an after thought, often applied in a few moments. 

This stuff is perfect to fit around my busy day, only took me a few minutes and lasts days. Yes if your going to be scrubbing your face every day, then most likely won't last that long but still it doesn't run or smudge! 

I would like to see more colours available but that's my only thought. 

Am very impressed and this little brow creater will be staying in my make-up bag! 

Keep an eye out (see what I did there!) for my video, showing how I apply it coming soon!

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  1. Hello your brows look great - which colour did you use? thanks
