Tuesday 13 September 2016

Goodwood Revival 2016

We were very lucky to get last minute tickets to Goodwood! I haven't been back since one of the very first ones, and it's always been on my list to return. Compared to the first one I went to, it's now huge. It's wonderful to see that the people who don't dress up stick out! It must be under 10% who don't dress up. 

We managed to pull off outfits with less than 24hrs notice. (Am lucky that my wardrobe is full, but after having three children and not bothering to shift off the extra weight, I was worried I wouldn't get in anything!) 

The atmosphere is electric, I had to just stand about and soak it up. We walked through the turnstiles straight into a 1966 football match. I think England where playing ;)

Everywhere you looked there was something to see. From guys digging the road, to lady's dusting people. Then St Trinians passed me, complete with drink teacher leading them! From races to dresses it's a wonderful, truly British day out!

We chatted to people who had come all the way from Sweden and had to book their hotel a year in advance! It draws people from all over the world. 

I have watched lots of car racing over the years, and I do feel nothing beats watching these beautiful vintage cars fly round this brilliant track! You never know who you may bump into walking around Goodwood, there are celebs dotted all over the place! My favourite thing is seeing everyone's outfits, the level of detail is amazing. A few people commend on my brooch, it is a war time brooch lent to me by my mother for the day. A few things I was wearing where modern, like my shoes (which I made it too 4pm before I went barefoot!) That's one thing my wardrobe needs is some size 4/5 vintage shoes. Am so lucky I have two of my Great Grandmothers, but they are 1970's onwards and wouldn't have matched my outfit.  

Getting ready to pose for a photo. I lost count of how many people asked for my photo! It was so much fun!

My Great Grandmothers parasol got lots of attention, lots of people came up for a closer look. She was born in 1901, so am sure it must be over 100 years old. Still being loved and used. I was suprised how much it really helped with the sun, not only keeping the sun off me but I was definitely cooler underneath it.  

I was going for 1950's my favourite of all dress styles and the era my dresses was from. This is my all time favourite dress in my wardrobe, it's the most comfortable. I was so worried I would be able to fit into it! (Still baby weight to lose.) With the help of a corset I was in! 

My outfit;

1950's Evening dress (found by my mother in a charity shop, in her teens.)

1950's White petticoat with flower design (my Grannies.)

1950's War time brooch (my mothers collection.) 

Modern sunglasses (current collection) from Tescos.

Fur wrap (now I was sure this was real vintage fur but the furrier thought it was synthetic.) This is one of the family ones. Now, if you have been following my blog you will know, in September we changed our diet to a plant based/vegan. So this maybe a bit odd, but this is my option. I do not believe in buying new fur, I don't buy new animal pruducts, like leather. I avoid all leather products. Yes in my wardrobe are 100 year old furs. They are my families, my Great Grand mothers used to wear them. In a time when that was the norm. I do know that some people feel wearing fur promotes it. I feel that modern synthetics look amazing and there is no need to buy new. 

Vintage Japanese black parasol (my Great Grandmothers, must be over 100 years old and still looks amazing!)

Small bag (from accessorise, it was the one I used for our wedding day so has a very special meaning to me.) 

Am still over the moon to have been short listed for Goodwood Revival Style Icon! Amazingly over the moon! 

We had a gay old time, it was fabulous! 

Am aready planning my outfit for next year! (I better get saving too!)

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