Wednesday 21 September 2016

My Kitchen

Inside a vegan family of five's tiny kitchen!

I have quite a small kitchen, but its in a large family living space. The house used to have a small kitchen and huge sitting room. So we moved the kitchen into the sitting room and split the old kitchen into half. To create a laundry room and big open hallway. A tiny kitchen away from the main living space, is not very sociable. At dinner parties we would all be in the kitchen and the big sitting room would empty! Then when we had children, I would be running between the rooms!

How I use my small kitchen for a family of five.

I use large jars to store things like rice and flour. I can grab them quickly and also see what am low on too. These sit on the counter (on my list is a small shelf to go above the counter to house these.) When am refilling them and have things left over these can be stored at the back of my small cupboard. 

Before a big shop, (I think I've run out of everything!) I give everything a good wash and sort out, moving things am low on to a smaller jar. (Unless it's something I buy in big amounts!) 

It's like a mini spring clean.

I love having things in jars like this, it's easy to grab, saving me time. Also when your on a really tight budget, no one looking at my flour looking pretty in a jar would know its from the basic range.

This is next to the hop/oven. (Still waiting on a shelf!) It's all to hand, quick to grab and see what am low on. I reuse jars, the larger jars are coffee jars, I must drink a lot of coffee...the small ones are IKEA spice jars. Next to these are a bottle of red wine and some vinegar. Making quick meals is a lot easier if everything is to hand.

Inside my fridge!

Small kitchen means small under counter fridge! It's amazing what you can pack into a small fridge. We also have a small freezer, currently in the office. Not to far from the kitchen. I have a fruit bowl on the counter and that's about it!

The main used items in my kitchen is-

Slow cooker
Bread maker (though I love mixing my own bread)
Blender (I have a lovely big one which was a wedding gift but mostly I use my cheap supermarket hand one) 
Large bowl and a woodern spoon (every kitchen should have a large mixing bowl and a woodern spoon!)

Even though its a very small kitchen, I love that its the heart of our home, right in the center. The children can easy join in with cooking, or they could snuggle down for a film on a rainy Sunday afternoon while I bake a cake! Don't underestimate a small kitchen, if deigned well, its quick and easy to use allowing you more living space!

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