Tuesday 20 September 2016

Cheap Chilli

Here is a mega basic cheap dish for the lean weeks.


1x tin of chickpeas
1x tin tomatoes (refill tin with water once)
1x small courgette
1x red onion

I had the following in the fridge, they are not needed but a good way of using up a little left over veg. 

1x spring onion 
Half a green pepper

Black pepper and chilli powder (I used about 2 tablespoons but add to your taste.)

A little fresh mint and rosemary from the garden, if you don't have this, don't worry.

Chop up onions and courgette into very small chunks, about 1-2cm. Fry, add the tin of chickpeas (after removing the juice, I have frozen mine in an ive cube tray for cakes.) Add the chill powder, pepper and herbs. Fry till starting to brown.

Add a tin of tomatoes, refill the empty can with water and add. Cook till source thickens.

Perfect with RICE!  

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