Thursday 24 May 2018

My Sprite Major Trying to get her home!

This is Ground Control to Major Tom...

Unless you have been under a rock, you will most likely know my dream van is a Sprite Major. It would have to be a 1960's one, not 70's as they changed quite a lot of details, like door mouldings. 

My lovely best friend James has been keeping an eye out for me...Keeping in mind it took him almost a year to find one for him self. 

Here is his beautiful Maranda - 

So what is it about the Majors that makes them my dream van? First its a Sprite, simple to work on and very well thought out with their layouts. 

Daisy our 1969 Bluebird had a few little things like the Sprites, as Bluebird was brought out by them. She was 14.5ft long and easy to use. A Major really is major, for retro caravan sizes at a whopping 16 ft long and then the a-frame (yes I have been wondering if she will fit on my drive...) 

They are so well thought out inside, a double bed/dinette at the front, kitchen with loo and wardrobe in the middle, then at the back, double bed, or three singles with bunkbed/dinette. Perfect for the family of 5! Lots of space for little ones and lots of space to entertain! 

I love too the large front skylight, which you can lay in bed and look through. Its an opening skylight so would create a get through draft of air without having to open all the windows. These are often broken but the guys and gals at the Retro Caravan Club have clubbed together to get new ones made. So if you have a broken Major Skylight get in touch with them ;)

When I first saw this style of Sprite with the dropped down roof at the front, I wasn't sold on it. Though the more I have seen them, the more I love that striking look! 

Inside, they feel huge! I mean, huge! Light, airy, yet with that drop down roof really cosy at the front. A very, very clever design. 

So why am I over the moon? He only went and found me one!! 

Tagging me in a single photo of a Sprite Major, sitting unloved in a field. Where, where !! Was my first reaction, I can go now!! 

After chatting to the gentleman who found her, and then her lovely owner, a deal was struck that she would be mine! I have been high as a kite since. 

A week, a whole, week of waiting, till we could go pick her up. I must have messaged my friend every day saying 'guess what.....' He said, its going to be a loooooog week putting up with you so excited! lol

Here she is my Beautiful Sprite Major 1967

My beautiful Major, has been sat unloved in a garden for over 20 years. She's a 1967 model, brought new by the lovely couple who are letting me have her (he was thinking about cutting her up as she was just rotting away!)

First attempt to get the Major:

The week felt like forever, I just wanted to go get her. Managing to get babysitters for the three minis, packed most of the tools and bits and bobs into the car ready to go! Am ready to go and my husband walked out.  I won't going into details, as well somethings are truly private. 

Almost 9am and car is packed, am about to go get my dream van and my world crumbles. 

I pull my self together and pack snacks for the boys (they would have to come with me now) and drop off my little girl to my mums. I've never changed a wheel Major has no wheels on her. While am getting ready I manage to borrow the wheels of the Alpine and the minis in the car! 

I don't like driving on the M25, it was going to be a good 3hr drive there and back, not knowing what condition the van was in, I set off with my two boys. Also knowing that the car needed a service.......Am not one to give up on getting my Major...

The couple where so lovely, letting my boys play in their garden and feeding them biscuits. While I set about first lifting the caravan up to get the wheels on and trying to un-seize the brakes, wheels and legs. Once she was up on wheels I could then lift up the a-frame....

After a few hours and moving the car into place.. I spotted the damage to the a-frame. On my own with two young children there was no way I would tow her with a damaged a-frame. Lots of panicked calls to friends to ask advice (thank you by the way, you know who you are and sorry I was short with one of you, mega stressed due to my morning.)

She had at some point she had lost her wheels, and jockey wheel. This meant that the a-frame was sat in the grass. So the legs and a-frame rotted. 

Covered in nettle stings, cuts and bruises, I was so proud of how much I had done on my own but gutted I couldn't tow her home. 

So I packed up had to wave goodbye, driving home was hard. I had just left my brand new wheels on her, and I was so worried someone would steal her or I wouldn't be able to get a trailer (If I was to rent one it would take me over the weight limits on my license.) 

I was also going back to the reality of a house without my husband, heading fast for 40 with 3 mini people in tow, a crazy love of retro things, an old car and almost two caravans. My first thought, was am going to die alone. My friend reminded me, I have 3 wonderful children so I won't! 

Enter my knight in shinning armour!

 One of my many phone calls got me through to a friend who had a trailer!! Joy!! Sad news, he was just about to leave on holiday for a good few weeks (I had hoped to get this van ready for Trudgefest as it was a bigger van for entertaining and *apart from the a-frame, needed less work than the Alpine!) More waiting for my Major. 

Don't get me wrong, its just a caravan and am sure people will be reading this thinking why was this so important to me at this horrible point of my life. Well, first reason is, its my dream caravan, second it would sleep all of us (5 beds) also, Majors are hard to find and this maybe the only 1960's one which comes up for a very long time. Ok bet now I have said that, they will be like buses and three will turn up at once lol. It also would give me something else to take my mind off things and meaning that I would be able to take a longer amount of time doing up the Alpine. Not panicking on getting her finished in a few weeks.

Second attempt to get my Major:

Lets just not even go into this attempt...

My poor Major, still sitting waiting for me to get her! 

Third time lucky as they say, my third attempt to get my Major:

My friend back from holiday! (The Alpine had a lot of work to do and nothing to sleep on, so the race was on to collect the Major) or would I  even be able to afford to go, due to the big change in my private life. A day was arranged and checked with the lovely couple it worked for them, and everything set to go. 

The car, hmm. I have, as you most likely know an amazing 1985 Volvo 240. She was in need of a full service....also a cam belt.....More money, more stress and my only car.....Getting a 16ft caravan, knowing she was fully up for towing but never had (this is dependant on if I can get the a-frame fixed....) was a bit of a worry.

First job cam belt. This had been worrying me since I had brought the car. Not that she had done the miles for a cam belt but due to the age, it was a bit of a ticking bomb, which may not go off at any moment. If it did brake, the would be the engine gone....Booked in and ready to go, managed to get the cash together, hoping that the service could wait a little longer....

Cam belt done, another worry gone... Then she didn't start....

I think the poor girl had just had a big shock. She had gone from years and I mean years and years of just driving 7 miles a day and heading back to her garage.

So far I had driven her to Devon and back, like twice, every day school runs, big close trips every few weeks and now miles and miles away to get a caravan. A big shock. She also now has three mini people climbing all over her and me trying to catch up on all the little jobs which needed doing. A big shock, poor thing doesn't know what she has been let in for! (Trip to Scotland with a caravan...)

A service was very much needed. Now am on my own, I felt it was even more important that I get to know my car (I had with the help of my lovely Grandpa already changed over one of her headlights, the other is on my list to do.) Enter the wonderful *how does he put up with me* James. He is coming to help service Ditto and show me how to do it! So fingers crossed she will be purring like kitten soon.

Back to the Major, the day we have booked to get her is 3 days before TrugeFest!! 

My life is nuts, will I be able to go to it? Will I have at least one working caravan? Will the car be ok? Will I be able to collect the Major? Will I have a baby sitter and petrol money? Goodness life is never dull with me! 

Boys and gals, a retro caravan may just take over your life, I warn you now but they are also a lot and I mean a lot of fun!! 

To be continued.....

Thanks to my knight with a shinning flatbed, I got her home!! 

The fantastic Dan managed to get her unstuck and moving for the first time in over 20 years. 

Check out my video of getting her to her new home.

Here is the full tour! 

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