Thursday 3 May 2018

How to line drawers

I love keeping the look of my caravans original but that doesn't mean you can't still do a few funky little hidden things....

Draw liners!

This is something which dates back quite far as scented draw liners where common place. I love to paint just the sides too, so you a pop of colour as you open them. 

This was something I did on Daisy and its a lovely affect which can bring new life to tired marked drawers. 

First wax and vanish the outside of the drawer (if keeping it original) then paint just the sides, inside and out. You don't need to paint where you will be putting wallpaper. I managed to track down some original, unused 1960's wall paper! Am hoping to also use this elsewhere in the caravan so it will tie in nicely. 

Make sure you wax any edges which will be moving as the drawer is used. 

Once you have finished painting, wax and repairing any damage on your drawers you are ready for the wall paper! 

The best thing I have found to stick down the wallpaper is PVA glue. Its easy to use, drys clear and easy to clean up any mishaps! There you go, a pretty easy job which will give your draws something extra while keeping them original! It will also make them much easier and nicer to use. To clean, just wipe with a wet wipe and try not to get them wet, unless you have sealed them with varnish.

See above full video on how to, don't mind my crazy loud mini people!

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