Thursday 31 May 2018

1967 Major Tour

Going from one photo, I drove 3 hrs with two mini people to try and rescue this Sprite Major. She had been sat just like this for over 20 years.

Click here to read all about trying to get her home.

Owned since new by the loveliest of couples. They brought her in 1967, and she has been abroad, to Scotland and lived in for a month too! Lots and lots of adventures. Am so excited they are going to look for photos of these trips for me. 

I turned up the first time in my Volvo 240 and was told that they used to tow with Volvos!! A perfect match! 

They now have a lovely motorhome for their travels, am so glad to see that they are still off on adventures. 

Lucky they had kept the curtains closed and this saved a lot of sun damage. 

When I had to leave her the first time, having failed to unstick the hitch I felt like I had failed. It had to be removed in the end as no way that could be unstuck without a lot of extra work and heat. So I felt better that it was something no one else could have done on site. 

Hitch removed and hand brake freed, it was time to get the brakes unseized. 

I started to worry that we may not get her rolling, but Dan knew what he was doing and in a flash she was rolling! (Using the wheels from my Alpine. Not the right size tyres for her but for this trip they where fine.)

Seeing her move for the first time, was a big thing for all of us. I had the biggest smile on my face the whole time, my dream caravan at last on her way to her new home! 

Having already gone to see her and tried to move her I had already ordered quite a few of her new parts. Like back tail lights, marker lights and replacement light shades. 

Up on the flat bed she looked huge, but not as big as when we got her home and on my drive! So much so am not sure I can get her back on the drive on my own so looking into storage! 

If you follow my blog you will know that I am from a long line of hoarders, here I am wearing my Great Grandmothers top and Nana's shoes. Am so excited to get the Major to the point where I am packing in all my family bits and bobs! 

Been a long time since anyone has looked back at this view of the Major! 

She needs work on her a-frame and legs before I can get to the fun stuff. The a-frame is out of my skills set so currently hunting down someone to help. Soon as she was back on the drive I got on with other jobs, like removing the curtains, and carpet. Helping the caravan to breath again. Even though there is some damp and damage, she's not wet inside and damage to the seats is not to bad. So once I get cracking it won't be long till she is looking very different! 

There is damage in the bathroom, due to a screw being out in the awning rail. Am hoping once that is fixed she will dry out and I won't have to replace too much of the ceiling. 

Look how amazing the yellow still is on the seat covers!! One to too have damage from the leaks but am hoping when in place that won't show.

I will keep you posted on getting my dream caravan up and running! 

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