Monday 12 February 2018

Find, Paint and Hid ROCKS

You may have heard or already I have been meaning to get on the rocks bandwagon for ages and my 3 year old finding one on our way back to the car from baby group was the jump I needed! 

She was so excited! 

This rock has been traveling since 2014!!

That was it, I was hooked, well we all where! 

So what is it with the rocks? 

Paint a rock, hid a rock, find a rock! 

They will most likely have something written on the back like 'post a photo to hidden rocks on facebook.' Most places have a local group as well, so you can join and leave rocks for friends to find ;) My 7 year old, has left a few love ones for the girl he wants to marry....

You don't have to paint them, you could put on stickers, draw with permanent pens, all sort of things!

Its a very cheap amazing thing to do with mini people but what I love is all generations are getting involved. 

I have really started to get into and think about what am going to come up with next! 

These where are first batch! 

Its been such a fun thing to do, one day we take all the ones we have painted to hid, find a few new ones people have left and then bring home some plain rocks to paint. Then the next day start all over again! 

Its kept all the little people very busy and learning! 

You can tell its a while since I have drawn a mermaid! 

Here is one of mine 'LOVE NEVER FAILS' I have been doing a few bible quotes. I love that they are not just this fun little thing for kids but also you don't know who may pick up that stone, just at the point they really need to hear that. 

They love to make them, but I loved how they where so great about leaving there creation they had spent so long making as a gift to someone they may never meet! Even our youngest got it, a few she didn't want to leave behind but she was so fab at walking away, while our 5 year old shouted bye rock! 

We stopped for a little treat of some crisps, it was quite along walk! 

Me and Bear worked together to make lots of dinosaurs. There was a real dinosaur theme going on that day! 

Lots of dinosaurs! 

This is some of tomorrows batch! Cant wait to hid these! 

Wanna give it ago, paint a rock and go hid it :) keep a look out for them! 

You can look up on Facebook for your local group, you can also join some of these Hidden Rocks or Painted Rocks!!!
Do you have a great group? Let me know in the comments. 

I have started a Pinterest board with loads of ideas to try! 

Lets all spread a little happiness :)

Animals are friends not food....Go Vegan....favorite rock I have made so far!  

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