Monday 5 February 2018

Sprucing up the Sprite

Sprite Alpine 

We are now a member of #teamsprite !

She has been sitting unloved on the drive for about 20 years. 

There is a heck of a lot to do!! I mean a lot.....not one to waste time I got her clean the day after we brought her home and then cracked on with getting her sorted..

First job was to get her breathing again, am sure a lot of the water is just condensation building up and not leaks. I needed to clean her out as much as possible so the damp wasn't just holding in the van. That meant getting the wet carpet out of the caravan! Yay I found lino which confirmed her age as 1966! 

There is a huge list, removing the 1970/80 oven, fixing the running gear/checking brakes etc, fixing the electrics, fixing the road electrics and marker lights, painting her a frame and chassis. 
Painting the outside (want to return her to her original colours) sorting the awning rail and resealing, fixing any damaged panels inside, remaking curtains (finding good period matching fabric) removing the port-potty plumbing and rebuilding the the seating, finding a step, checking gas lights.....oh my goodness....I have to get this all done by May around three busy mini people.....wish me luck! 


Next job was to remove this horrible stuff!

Getting the kitchen cupboard out of the van toward on made it a much easier job! 

About time for a mini update!! 

As you can see, am trying to not panic about how much work there is to get done!! 


At some point, am thinking 1970's 12v lights where added to the Alpine. But the wiring was messy and wasn't hidden very well. So I thought best to remove and if I wanted to refit the lights and re-do the wiring. That said, the gas lights are really well placed and I only think at this point I will wire back in the kitchen light. Here is a little update on her Lights and Skylight! 

Next her A- Frame

Am not the worlds most erm, clean painter! Painting the a-frame and legs makes such a huge difference to how the van looks! Sun is out, coffee in hand, lets do this!

Lining Drawers

I love to keep to try and keep things original but this is makes your drawers have a little something extra! Click here to read all about how you can line your drawers ;)

Stay posted for more updates on our 1966 Sprite Alpine!!

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