Thursday 16 March 2017

Tapioca Tofu

I never thought I would like Tofu, let alone love it! Then I saw that you can cover it (often with cornstarch) then fry it - WOW. Love it! 

So this was a 'what shall I cook, I have some greens to use up' sort of meal.

This fed two of us well. 


Tofu  - I used Cauldron Foods Tofu 396g
Plain rice
Greens - I used up what ever was left in the fridge, some snap peas, pak choi, leek and sliced up green pepper
Tapioca Starch
veg cooking oil

Sauce of your choice, I used Sweet Chilli, hubby used a spicy bbq one. (Not much needed, just dripped on top.)

I will add photos next time I make it as I forgot! 

Slice up the tofu in equal sizes. Then coat in the Tapioca Starch, leave it to soak in for a few minutes, while heating up the oil. Fry. (Be careful.) Turn and make sure golden brown on both sides. 

I also do this with Tofu and cornstarch but I have got the best taste/crunch with Tapioca! 

It reminds me of cooking my pan fried dumplings! The oil needs to be pretty hot, so be careful.

Chop up and lightly fry the veg. 

Put in the rice, then the tofu and then the greens. Drip over your favorite sauce! 


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