Sunday 16 October 2016

Pumpkin Curry

Its pumpkin time of the year!

I love this time of year, blackberries, falling leafs, jumpers, log fires and pumpkins! 

These are some photos of my oldest son's first time picking his own pumpkin! In the next few weeks, we will all be going! I cant wait. So keep your eyes peeled for lots of pumpkin type blogs coming over the next few weeks ;) Going pumpkin picking with mini people is lots of fun and a cheap day out! Even after you have caved and used your pumpkins (as long as lot left till going moldy) you can still get lots of use out of them, making very cheap meals!

From jams to muffins and pies!
What about roasting the seeds for a healthy snack or my favorite pumpkin curry!

I will blog about how to make lots of different things from your pumpkins, but in the meantime, this is my favorite:

Pumpkin Curry!

I batch make this and freeze it down. Been making this for years now and still love it!

Depending on how many pumpkins you have, as to how much you will end up with. You can even chop up a used (as in carved) pumpkin for this.

How to make:

Chop up your pumpkin. (Removing any seeds and inside stringy bits)

Get a large oven tray, and heat oven to 190-200c.

 Roast with garlic, rosemary, pepper and onion. (This should be about 10-20% of the pumpkin amount.)

When starting to brown around the edges, blend with veggy stock cube (you don't need to add this but it does add a little depth of flavour.) then add chilies or chili powder.

Use as on its own as a yummy soup, veg for curry.

Its easy to freze down in batches, add black pepper or more chili to taste. Its so warming and yummy, we have it as a soup for bonfire night. Mostly as a curry with rice, or new potatoes and pees!

When I start making this years, I will add some more photos.

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