Sunday 8 May 2016

Coconut and Butternut Squash

I really wanted to use up some hot red peppers I found in clearance. So thought I would try another curry type dish!


1x tin of coconut milk
2-3 hand fulls of brown mushrooms
2x medium red onions
1x leek
3x sticks of celery
1x tomatoes (I thought I had more and would have put more in if I had them!)
1x yellow peppers
2x hot red peppers
1x large butternut squash 
500g esh of sliced up brown mushrooms
1x Apple

3 garlic cloves, black pepper, pinch of rosemary, cajun pepper and chilli powder.

Fry up the onions, leek, celery, sliced up mushrooms and peppers. 

Throw large chunks of mushrooms, and chopped up tomato into slow cooker (set to high.) 

Add coconut milk, and small chucks of butternut squash to the slow cooker.

Once onions etc have started to brown and caramelised add too slow cooker. 

Mix it all in, adding black pepper (loads but to taste) chilli powder about 2 teaspoons, pinch of rosemary and cajun pepper. 

Cook on high for about an hour, add the apple and turn down to low. (For about 3hours.) it can stay there till your ready to serve, check the flavours and add more seasonings if needed. 

Will update once the mini people have gone to bed and I've tried it!! 

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