Sunday 22 May 2016


Our first event/show!!


It was brilliant to be part of the show and surrounded by beautiful classic cars, caravan, and lovely people. Chatted away about Daisy to lots of nice on lookers. 
She had lots of compliments, and even though she is looking a long way from being finished, I felt really proud of how far she has come! 

I was in heaven, lots of beautiful cars to look at and dream of owning. 

It was a little lost on our mini people but they loved the double decker red bus, playing dress up and running around. 

Our oldest thought the Bluebird car, was the most amazing thing he had seen and he still keeps asking me to build him one. 

Our middle son, thinks trains are the best thing ever and a train in the sky!!!!! Well let's put it this way, we went on it a lot. 

I loved that it runs everly 5-15mins, free, and gives you a great view point. 

I also loved the mini race track, and was very impressed with how well our boys did, going around on their own.

The Autojumble, was full to the brim. So much to look round, I found lots of lovely things which would be perfect in Daisy but alas, when you lose your wallet the week before going away.....I did have to walk away and leave a cool box and pininc set which court my eye!

My husband is saying we need to get a classic car to tow Daisy with! Watch this space...

We are very much looking forward to the next event 
and getting back out in Daisy! 

So excited to see Daisy on the Beaulieu website shes famous!  

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