Thursday 5 May 2016

Daisy's First Adventure

Retro looking camping chairs from tescos

Our first trip in Daisy had been booked long before we brought her! So I knew I had about 8wks to get her ready to go. Shes not finished or perfect but still usable and safe. It was amazing and I think she has even won over my husband!

We had booked to go to a four days, three nights festival. In those four days we had hail, rain and crazy hot sunshine! She didn't leak or fall apart on the way there and the temp skylight stayed on!! 

I was really impressed at how well all my planning had gone, but we had in our last minute rush left a few things at home. The high chair, that would have really help, but worst of all was our middle child's favourite train (he slepts with it too.) He lucky got to share some Lego with a friend!! Lego, Lego was a huge hit, perfect for keep mini people and big people entertained!

I was impressed how well my slow cooked simple sauce worked! 
Click here:  SIMPLE SAUCE

Cooking on the bbq and Daisy's 1960's oven was so much fun!

Family of five, 3 nights and 4 days food list;

1 pack of firelighters
5kg bag of coals
About 2 small logs per evening

1x packs of soya hot dogs
1 pack of sausages
1 tub of houmus
1 tub of spread/non dairy (vitalite)
1 block of non dairy cheese
Small bottle of veg oil
2x tins of beans
2x cartons orange juice
Pack of bagels
2x home made bread
Strawberry Jam
Large jacket potatoes
 2x soya +1 milk
1x almond milk
1x soya milk
1x choc soya milk
Finger rolls for hot dogs
Bag of porridge oats
Tin foil
Party rings
Loo roll
Pack of sparkling water
Mango, Raspberry and chocolate yoghurts (4 in a pack)
(£66 esh!)
 (I need to double check my receipt.)

(2 home cooked frozen meals)

The best bagels I have ever had ever where these, they worked so well on bbq with some vegan cream cheese!

Was great to get her kettle on as soon as we arrived. Lovely to be able to make all our friends teas and coffees as they arrived! I was a bit worried about using her old oven but it was amazing, almost 50yrs old 

I wasn't sure what toys to take for the mini people, I have a better idea for next time now. The box of small lego was a huge hit, paper and pens but way more books needed! 

The kite just wouldn't fly, which I was upset about, as that's one of the things the boys love the most! Bubbles, don't forget bubbles. (I left the bubble machine, high chair and Bear's train at home. That lead to lots of stress!!)

Even though it was quite possibly the most coldest I have ever been in my life (I think it was like -2c!!) It was so comfortable on her new mattresses, with a few hot water bottles and extra blankets. 

Even when it was raining, 14.5ft of Daisy gave us all loads of without feeling on top of each other. I left the main bed up for most of them, and used to back table to serve breakfast, lunch and dinner on.

Our first trip out was for a family festival, set in the woods. It was wonderful, we all really relaxed and having Daisy made it easy! 

It was lovely being barefoot, in the fields making hair bands out of twigs and flowers!

Hubby did a fab job, on his first tow and even managed to reverse her too! I managed to remember things like clearing out the gas line and attaching the brake cable! I was really worried that Daisy would never be ready for this trip, or the sky light would fly off or she would leak! She was perfect, am so proud of what we have got done in time we have had. She still has a long list of jobs, from scrubbing down her chassis and painting - to painting wheels, fixing skylight, building a shelf, a shelf for the fridge, curtains, mattress covers, more pillows, and painting her outside!

Already our little clan is asking when we are off again!

Click here for more of her adventures!

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