Saturday 14 October 2017


Our Retro/Vintage Caravan Daisy


Bluebird Europe Three

Click here for my blog, all about wanting a retro caravan!

Meet Daisy, 
our 1969 Bluebird. Our oldest son named her, she is fast heading on for 50 years old. When we brought her she was full of rot, holes and damp. Now with a little help from my amazing Grandpa and Husband, she is back off on adventures! 

Click the link below to see what she would have looked like, back almost 50 years ago! 

Daisy, back in the day!

Doing up Daisy

The first round of works:

When we brought her home she was full of rot, damp and holes. Missing trim, no working road lights just to name a few things! 

Click here to see how we got her usable in just 8 weeks!

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