Monday 9 January 2017

Old School No-Chick and Leek Pie

I've called it 'Old School' as its not like the other pies on my blog. It just has a top of pastry! Am not going to lie, am on my second helping as I type and I think its my favorite pie so far! 


Pastry, you can use a brought puff or make your own, click here for how I made mine. 
1x butternut squash
1x large sweet potato
2x red onions
300g soya pieces
1.5x leeks
1x veggy stock cube

Black pepper, rosymary, thyme, chilli and garlic flakes (I used a tiny amount of the flakes, so don't panic if you don't have any!)

Fry the onions and leeks.

Add the butternut and potato, having cut into small cubes. Fry till just starting to brown and soften.

Add herbs and flakes, along with black pepper to your stock cube. I added about 1 pint of boiling water to the stock cube. 

 Add stock to the butternut, leeks, onions and potato. 

Cover and bring to a gentle boil.

Make your pastry, if making your own. You can make it at any point as it can sit in the fridge till your ready.

Fry the soya pieces, till perfect and golden.

Add the soya to the main mix and into a deep pie dish. This is my Nana's 1960's dish which did have a lid....that has long since gone. You can use this pie mix how ever you would like, competently encasing it in pastry or like me, just the top. 


I layered my made pastry, about 3 times, very thinly. I used my Granny's cutter, which I noticed looks a lot like a leaf! (As you know am a hoarder and lover of passed on hand-me-downs.) Then very crudely made flowers.

I love making my own pastry, it doesn't puff lots but it tastes so nice! 

I would say this would feed up to about 6, but my husband and I did have large second helpings! 
So many 4!

It really worked very well with mash. A very simple mash, of white potatoes, mashed down with a tiny amount of butter, soya milk and about half a teaspoon of mustard. (I guess the amount of mustard, as long as the seeds a spread evenly though the mash.) Then along side some frozen green veg and cauliflower. YUM! 

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