Sunday 12 June 2016

Experimenting with lasagna

I've always liked my lasagna to have lots of layers, topped with homemade cheese source and cooked till its golden. Since changing our diet, dairy is not something I want to cook with or eat. So am working on my own replacement for the top layer. This was my first go at creating something perfect. I thought I would try topping it, a bit like how I topped my cottage pie. Soon as I spooned it on, I came up with a better idea! (Always the way!) So there will be a lasagna strike two, coming soon! (Click here for vegan dairy-free 'cheese' sauce)

This makes lots, so you can split this into two containers, lots left over too freeze.


1x pack of lasagna sheets (non egg ones)
1x tin of chopped tomato (2-3 tin fulls of water.)
Some soya cream 
1x bag of soya mince 
3x carrots
4x sticks of celery
1x large red onion
3x parsnips
2x white potatoes
Half a courgette
1x yellow pepper 
1x glass of red wine
1x mug of porridge
1x teaspoon of marmite

Breadcrumbs, thyme, rosemary, black pepper, chili powder, chia seeds and sesame seeds. 1x clove of garlic.

How to make:

Fry up the onions, courgette, carrots and celery. (Cut into small cubes, all about the same size.) Once starting to brown, add wine, garlic and about a tablespoon of rosemary. When the wine starts to reduce, add the tomatoes. Then refill the tin with water, twice. (If slow cooking it for over 2hrs, add 3.) Add a sprinkle of black pepper, chili powder and thyme. To make it a yummy and filling, add the porridge and a teaspoon of marmite.  

Cook the mince as per it's own instructions and then add it to the tomatoes. 

Bring to the boil and then reduce the heat and cover. I slow cooked it for about an hour. For the best results, slow cook for as long as you can, 2hrs should be perfect. Check after about an hour and half. To make sure there is still some liquid in there and give it a stir. 

While that's cooking, chop up and boil the parsnips and potatoes. 

Mash up the parsnips and potatoes, add cream. Once the main mixture is ready. 

I added a little oil to help it mix. 

Now layer your oven dish. 

First the tomatoes and mince mix, I do it as thin as I can to get the most layers. Then the lasagna sheets.

Till the last layer, take the parsnip mix and spread over the sheets of lasagna.

I added (click here for perfect home made ones:) breadcrumbs to the top, with a few seeds and some black pepper. 

You can freeze at this point or pop in the oven for about 30-40mins at about 180-200. 

It's in my oven now, so I will let you know if the potato works.....

Well it was so yummy, hubby had second helpings and the baby loved it too! 

I had 3 portions left over, which I froze. So makes up a lot of food for quite a cheap meal! Perfect for a tight budget. 


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