Wednesday 22 June 2016

Awesome Base for Curry or Soup

I made this while making a curry for dinner. I often try and make more than one meal at once, then freeze one or pop in the fridge for the next day. It saves loads of time doing this. 

So I can't really remember if I added any herbs and spices. Am thinking I would have thrown in some black pepper, Rosemary and maybe chili powder. (I will try and recreate it soon to double check.)

This made a really yummy filling soup on its own or add a little heat to make a base for a yummy thick curry. 

For curry: Just add something like cooked sweet potato or butternut, or both! Large chunky veg popped in would be yummy. Or even coat the veg in batter and add just before serving. 

This is the sort of thing you can use to use up any left over veg. 


1x tin of tomatoes 
1x veg stock cube
Half a bag of frozen mushroom slices
Half a yellow pepper
1x courgette
1x mug of frozen sweet corn
2x carrots
Two mugs of frozen broccoli
Half a pepper 

A little black pepper. 

Fry it all up!


Blits, and yes it really doesn't look all that tasty right now...


I didn't have my camera to hand when I reheated this but wow! It was so yummy!!

I added a little chilli to it when I reheated it. Perfect for a base for a curry or on its own with some bread. I will make it again and take some better photos. It was so cheap to make and so yummy! 

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