Wednesday 15 June 2016

Cous Cous and Bulgur Wheat

This is simple and yummy. Perfect side dish for curries or with salad. 


Cous Cous 
Bulgur Wheat
1x Lemon
Handful of to dried apricots

Seeds- sesame, pumpkin, sunflower and  chia seeds

Herbs- thyme, rosemary, mint

Nuts- almonds and walnuts (would have used peanuts and cashews if I'd had them in.)

Sea salt and black pepper.

Slice up the apricots, mix the herbs, salt and pepper.

Roughly crushed up the nuts.

Juice the lemon.

Do not mix till ready to serve. 

I soak the Cous Cous and bulgur wheat in boiling water and cover till needed. 

Mix the lemon, seed/nut mix, Cous Cous and wheat together. Yum!

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