Monday 16 July 2018

First weekend away in Margo!

Titchfield Abbey

My first weekend away without my mini people, Margo's first tow in over 20 years, first time Ditto my Volvo had towed, first time with a new A-Frame!! 

Also (not including driving Daisy onto the drive once) only my second tow! So as you can imagine, I was a little worried! If I couldn't do it, now being on my own, what would I do, no way I could give up on caravanning! 

Well, we all knew she would, Ditto towed like it was no big deal. Margo bumbled along behind with no bother and me, well I spent the whole drive with the BIGGEST smile on my face!! Me towing, check me out doing it! As soon as I pulled off the drive (thank you so much to the boys next door who helped me with her stuck jockey wheel) I felt elated and free. Now I knew I could take my children anywhere and not have to worry that I was now on my own. Don't get me wrong am not living on cloud 9, thinking that towing and caravanning as a single mother is going to be a bed of roses but at least I know that I can do it! 

She may need a lot more work, but wow am so proud of Margo and me! In this photo you can even notice I haven't finished painting her legs, as it was too hard to get to them at the back (she was mega close to the house) also she has a lightening board on the back as I need to do more work to her lights :) 

I have to say a HUGE shout out to my best mate James, am very lucky that I have a few best friends who means the world to me and this guy is one of them! 

 Its been a very hard few months, but he has come over and helped to keep Ditto (my 1985 Volvo 240) safe and on the road. Helped me out loads with Margo too, knowing how desperate I was to get away he came over to help get her ready in time. Huge thank you to everyone who has been there for me, messaged me everly day to remind me to eat, or just check in on me. All the people who have turned up with gifts to make me smile and given up their time just to let me talk and help me get through it. Thank you to you all. All my wonderful twitter followers who have checked in on me too! Thank you!!

Wanna make me smile like this? Tell me I can have a drive of your classic car! Thanks James, made my weekend having a go in Bluebell! I can't wait to film her for you all, just a few jobs he would like to finish so she is perfect for her tour! 

I love going on a Retro Caravan Club rally, as its like stepping back in time. Here is Ditto, my 1985 Volvo 240 with Margo my 1967 Sprite Major and Bluebell, Morris 1970 (am going to get shot if I have got this right but I can't remember if she is 1970 or 1972, I bet I am well out now I have written it down) and Maranda 1968 Sprite Major. 

Me and my bestie went for a walk around the beautiful Abby, which is free to do and then for a drive in his amazing Moggy!

As you can see, Margo still has loads to do and even currently has a lightening board on but she's on the road and being used for the first time in more than 20years! 

I have only 2 more curtains to make (I ran out of backing) Its so wonderful to get all my bits in the caravan and what I have found is there is so much room and storage!! LOADS. Its fun to try things in different places to see what would work and fit where.

Had a lovely view of the Abby from my van too! 

She is completely perfect for me and my three mini people. I couldn't have picked or found a more perfect van. 

She still needs another coat of paint on the walls and ceiling, loads of jobs but she's rolling on her own wheels and new a-frame! 

Am a little in love with the Babycham beer mat...this may go for a walk about to my van if he's not careful...

Yes this has been my first chance in years to have a drink with friends......

So after I cooked dinner in my Major, we headed back for drinks in James. 

When I say drinks, I mean a LOT of Babycham.

I was feeling pretty sleepy the next day, but my eyes where green which means I was showing how happy and relaxed I was in the van.

What do you do when your away without your mini people, take loads of photos of your self it would seam! Am not used to being in the videos of when we have gone away, so I wanted to make sure I was in this one! 

I spent the most part of Sunday, laying in the sun drinking coffee and playing records. I don't remember the last time I was truly this relaxed. 

If you don't have a sun lounger, get one, wow! It was so lovely! 

It was lovely to chill out and we had our pick of Majors to sit in! I loved looking for the small differences in just one year. Drawers are so different in the 1968 compared to mine! 

The fabric is just so perfect and you would think it came with the van, so different to my yellows in Margo. 

Lots more work to do on Margo but so worth it. Just one night away and it was like the world had lift from me. I can't wait to get traveling in her this year and to finish a few more jobs on her! 

Am truly lucky to have such wonderful friends and this one is pretty much my little brother. Thank you for all your help with Margo!

Here is my video! 

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