Thursday 12 April 2018

Goodbye Daisy

Selling Daisy, well even the thought of selling her was hard to bare. She was sold in less than a week and to such a wonderful lady who I know will take the very best care of her. 

When we first brought her home, she was a real mess. With support and advice from the Retro Caravan Club, in just 8 weeks we got her safe and water tight! Click here to read all about Doing Up Daisy!

She was damp, rotten, without even her running lights! After those 8 weeks getting her safe and water tight we got out using her! Keeping working on her around the mini people. Then the following winter we came back to all the jobs we hadn't got done in that first 8 weeks. 

With a little help from may husband and Grandpa we turned her into a showstopper! Not only showing her at many shows but using her as our family holiday home on wheels. 

We all truly loved her. Then I heard about a Sprite Alpine, not the lager Major I wanted but still a 1960's Sprite. To make sure I gave the Alpine my all we put Daisy up for sale. I really felt like I had put a part of my family up for sale. It was hard but the lady who wanted to buy her was so lovely and is still in touch I knew it was the right choice. 

Daisy went on her BIGGEST adventure to date to get to her new home and I will updating you all on her soon. 

She is with such a lovely new family who I know will take great care of her. 

Goodbye Daisy, thank you for everything! 

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