Monday 18 December 2017

A little look back over 2017

We will soon be welcoming in 2018, so here is a little look back over our year. 

Click above to watch my look back on youtube

Its been a busy year, from painting Daisy, to buying Ditto! 2017 has been full of caravan adventurers, sanding and painting Daisy, touring other vintage caravans and getting out and about with our little people.

Here are our trips away:
Click the links for the blog and video.

We started the new year, in Daisy.

If you had told me a few years ago that I would be spending New Years in a caravan, I would have laughed in your face!! It was wonderful, safe and snug in the caravan and waking up to a crisp morning - Click here to read all about it.

Daisy looked very different for her first outing of the year!


It was a great weekend, spent wondering about after ducks, trying out our new awning and hanging together as a family - Click here to read all about it.

This was by far one of my favorite trips of 2017.

An outdoor movie night, long walks, craft and pour family relax time. It was wonderful and we have made this a must go back to site, even though the hill was pretty scary to get back up! - Click here to read all about it

Our first show of the year!

It was wonderful to show off Daisy being so close to being finished and knowing how hard we have worked on getting her to this position! This event made me feel pretty emotional, when walking through the reenactments. - Click here to read all about it

Our second show of the year.

This event blow me away with how much there was to see and do. It was non stop but still had time to stop and chat to people looking around Daisy. I cant wait for next years!! - Click here to read all about it

Our first brake away just the two of us.

One of the highlights was Retro Fest, our first adult only brake away in Daisy. We where relaxed, had a whole conversation with other adults, drank warm coffee and eat all our meals without sharing! 
It was a much needed few days away but we really did notice how much we missed our loud little people and saw a huge difference to how much we got into a weekend without them. Not much! We mostly just hung about, I filmed way less and we didn't see as much as didn't have little people to entertain. It was still a lovely, relaxing trip away - Click here to read all about it.

A perfect relaxed few days.

I was a little worried as this weekend hubby was going to be away most of the time. But I even had a warm coffee and a chat with friends as the mini people where kept very busy playing out in the field next to Daisy with friends. This weekend was the most time they have spent watching the ipad as with just one of me for the day time there where moments when I needed them more contained! We will be returning to this fab relaxed little site again - Click here to read about it

Doing up Daisy:

The early part of the year was manly taken up with doing the next round of works on Daisy.

It was a huge job and took way longer than I thought it was going too.......BUT it was worth it!! A few people told me if they hadn't seen me working on her they would have thought it was a different van! - Click here to see more

Caravan Tours

2017 saw me off checking out other peoples vintage caravans, I love seeing what other people have done and cant wait to film more in 2018! 

This beauitful little Sprite 400 was my first tour of 2017 - click here to read all about her and take the tour

Retro Car

Dreams really do come true! 

2017 saw us getting my dream car to tow Daisy with! I still have a huge smile on my face about our Volvo, she is so fun to drive and will make a perfect tow car - Click here to read all about Ditto

Days out

We went on lots of days out over 2017, from beach days to Legoland.

We had a great time at Legoland! If we can afford it we would love to go again in 2018. - Click here to read all about it and my tips


I was sent a few products to try and 2017, and had lots of fun filming them! 

There will be lots more reviews for 2018! - Click here to read more about the products am currently reviewing

I would like to thank the following people:

Thank you so much Dan for talking about my channel on your 'Sharing the love' video. I was blown away!! 

Thank you so much Andrew for mentioning my channel and huge congratulations on hitting 10,000 subscribers!! (Hes way over that now!) Still getting over my little channel being talked on two big channels I look up too! 

If your not following Andrew and Dan, make sure you click the links on their names above! 

Thank you so much Iain! Very proud to have been mentioned in this video about his top 10 up and coming YouTube channels. Make sure you check out his family trips and reviews by clicking the link above! 

I want to say a HUGE thank you to all the people to take time out of their day to read my blog or watch my YouTube Channel 

Each person who subs to my channel means so much to me! 

Thank you to all the people who have messaged, emailed and tweeted to say how much my blogs or advice have helped them. 

Here is my little thank you video :)

From my family to yours, happy Christmas and have a wonderful New Year. Keep your eyes out as am sure we can fit in one more adventure before the year is out ;)

Alice xx

Monday 27 November 2017

Ditch Dairy

My husband and I watched a documentary called Cowspiracy about this time in 2015. The next day, was the food shop and we came up with the plan of just trying it. Buying things which would replace meat, eggs, dairy etc and see how we got on with it.

I never put any constraints on my self and if I fancied something I would have it....

Well I still from that day have not brought any meat, eggs, dairy or honey. I just haven't wanted it, in fact now the thought of having it makes me feel ill. 

So, dairy. You are not a baby cow! 

I was breastfeeding my baby, the bond together is huge. Then I thought, goodness, humans buy cows breastmilk without even a thought. 

You do not need cows breastmilk, you are not a cow. 

I asked on a vegan fourm for any information to add to this blog, I felt sick reading this:

'Something often overlooked is the industry practice of purposely sending ex-dairy cows to slaughter pregnant, because the unborn calf's blood is "pure" and can be used in medicine so the farmer gets a bit more money. The calf of course suffocates within its dead mother's womb.'

There are so many things I could quote which would make you bin that bottle of milk in your fridge but what am hoping is that you have found this blog for help in replacing that breastmilk, for something much better for your body and the planet and the cows. 


My first bit of advice is just try it, everyone likes different milks. 

My fav is Almond! 

HUGE tip, milk in first!! 

The closest to cows milk is soya, if am out and about I will have soya. As a lot of places now stock soya. At home though its almond. Its flipping yummy is smoothes too! (Almond milk, tp - protein, tp - peanut butter and a banana. YUM)

Our oldest is also intolerant to cows milk. We found this out by going plant based/vegan and all the problems we had spent years going to the doctor went! We later had it confirmed and now the school is on board too, so no more crazy early mornings and hours in the bathroom.

Most of us are intolerant to cows milk, my tummy and skin is sooooo much better since getting rid of dairy! At the very start of us changing our diet I had a coffee out with dairy, I was so ill after not having it, I now if really want one have a black one ;)

Our little mini people, LOVE this!! Has all the goodness of milk without the horrible stuff. 

A huge treat for the minis is the chocolate one, its very yummy! 

Buy a few and have a taste test. 

I must add that when am making a crazy amount of pancakes, I use 'smart price' tesco own soya, its not to different in goodness to the Soya +1 but cheaper. (Currently 59p.)



When we first changed our diet over, they was a lot less choice but now, the supermarkets are catching on and there is a lot of Gary out there! 

Here are my top too:

Yes I shop a lot in tesco.....

This one is flipping yummy! Now don't get me wrong, Gary is still not quite out stripped dairy but its getting better and better. Remember that all dairy products have hormones in them telling you "YOU NEED MORE" So after three weeks, you wont be needing cheese in crazy amounts and will find these replacements good. ;)

This one melts really well, perfect on pizza, or the top of pasta etc. 

Another one I filpping love! I mix these two together on the top of pizza or pasta. Yum! 

Most replacement cheese, aka Gary, is soya based, so keep that in mind.

Here you go, not only do these two melt well but they taste yummy too! 

Soya....a few of my friends can't have soya and the above (my fav's) contain soya. I have heard good things about Vegusto click here to see their collection of Garys. Another good one to try is Violife, they do a mild cheddar tasting one which is really easy to find in the shops. Click here to see their range of 100% vegan products. I love their mild cheddar one and its perfect with pineapple chunks on cocktail sticks ;)


Hands down my favorite spreadable butter is Vitalite! Its blinking yummy, tastes amazing with peanut butter and bananas on toast (if you haven't tried it, yummy!) I have been using this spread for more years than I can remember, way before changing our diet, just due to loving the taste. Yes I do miss their old packaging and which they would bring them back....

That's your sandwiches and toast sorted.....what about baking? Making some pastry what are you going to use which is dairy free? 

This is where am crossing over into a grey area, why a grey area I hear you ask? Well, if your thinking about your impact to the planet am sure you think about what companies you buy from. The next product is dairy free, but double check when you pick it up as the spreadable type I believe is not dairy free!

Stork for baking, is the one I pick up for pasty. (As noted above, double check when buying as I think the spreadable is not dairy free.)

The only thing which is worth noting is its made by Unilever, my grey area. There are many companies I will not buy from and I really think about where I buy from too, buying local where ever possible.  

Am a big believer that buying a vegan product from a company which is not all that vegan is a good thing. 
Its showing them there is a demand for the item and being a big company they are sales lead. All that money going behind a vegan product is a good thing! 

Just in the few years I have changed my diet I have noticed huge changes in what is available! Having said that, there are still companies I will avoid! So make up your own mind on that one ;)

What else can you buy?

This is Bear's fav, its yummy, the other two love the chocolate.

***BIG tip, look for the cheaper own brand version of your favorite item, often it will be dairy-free without saying so as its cheaper to leave out milk***

Make sure you check items, you will find milk in alsorts of things, from bread to soups!

Worried about how you will make a cake? Worry no longer, click here for my mega easy birthday cake!

Cheese sauce:

I worried a little about cheese sauce, but I didn't need too. Not only is it yummy but soooo much better for you! 

You don't need dairy! 

I was going to link to lots of very scary facts about dairy but am going to just say - GO FOR IT, DITCH THAT DAIRY!! 

Any questions please ask, the above is just what I love. Please just go for it and try different things, remember that all the things I make are dairy, meat, eggs and honey free so check out my recipes.

I will be updating this blog and adding more items so keep a look out ;)

Thursday 23 November 2017

Animals are sentient beings!

Am sure you have been reading the papers.......

If you have being following my blog for a while you will know that I have a plant based/vegan diet. That care deeply for the safe and good treatment of animals and our environment. 

So you can imagination how many times I have been tagged, messaged and emailed about what is being currently written about in the papers. Who on earth would say that animals cant feel pain or are not sentient??!! I thought I had better raise this issue with my local MP who was on the list sent to me of MP's who voted on this issue. 

I had heard very harsh things about my local MP Alan Mak, and hadn't spoken with him before. I was a little apprehensive as I waited to talk with him at an open question event. I had a list of questions, from children play parks to if he felt animals where not in fact able to feel pain? 

I meet people from very different walks of life while waiting and it was clear that he would be dealing with a very wide range of topics! 

While I waited I got on with some crocheting and thought about the items on my list I wanted to talk to him about.

In the meantime a few of my friends emailed their local MP and messaged me their responses.  

Caroline Dinenage Conservative MP for Gosport: 

'Thank you for writing to me about the status of animals as sentient beings. As an animal lover myself I fully appreciate the strength of feeling on this subject. However, the issue of animal sentience in relation to the recent vote is being widely misrepresented by the media and certain campaign groups.

Please be assured that MPs did not vote that animals aren’t sentient – self-evidently they are, and this was not up for debate. Rather, a specific amendment was not considered to be right because it didn't offer the animal protection we enjoy in this country. As such, the Government will deliver a better result using a different route.

In the UK we have some of the highest standards of animal welfare in the world – higher than any other country in Europe. I would also emphasise that EU law is no panacea – sadly, you can keep farm animals in unspeakably cruel conditions without breaking EU law, so this should absolutely not be our benchmark. EU law has not stopped Spanish bull fighting, pig pens in Denmark, Dutch veal farms, French fois gras, beak trimming, fur farming or baby quail hunting. The Government has delivered a series of animal welfare reforms in recent months, demonstrating our commitment to sustaining and enhancing animal welfare protections outside of the EU.

Based on the Animal Welfare Act the Animal Protection Index, maintained by World Animal Protection, rates the UK's formal recognition of animal sentience as grade A. Other Lisbon Treaty signatories such as France, Italy and Spain do not enjoy this rating, having each received grade C.
The EU (Withdrawal) Bill will convert the existing body of direct EU animal welfare laws to become UK laws. Most of these EU laws relate to farmed animals and many were passed after Article 13 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU) came into effect.

Article 13 of the TFEU created a qualified obligation on the EU and Member States "to have full regard to the welfare of animals [as they are sentient beings]" when formulating and implementing EU law.   The Government has said that it will consider how the 'animal sentience' principle of Article 13 might be explicitly reflected in the UK when we leave the EU.
I am confident, therefore, that existing UK legislation, which provides necessary and appropriate protection for animals in this country, will not be weakened when we leave the EU.  In Prime Minister’s Questions earlier today, the Prime Minister restated her commitment to enhancing animal welfare standards outside of the EU. 
Thank you again for taking the time to write to me, and I hope this reply will help to assure you of the Government’s continued commitment to animal welfare.'

So in with my list I went, he was polite and replied to every question I put before him. Giving full time to each question. I was impressed as he not only gave me full responses but also contact details of people who would be able to help with each area in more detail. 

I left feeling positive.

What he had to say about what the papers had been reporting: 

He believes that animals have feelings, that it would be silly not to think that. That they are sentient beings and can feel pain. This was very good to hear, as it would be a very worrying line of thought to go down that they couldn't. 

After talking with him, it looked a lot like the papers had got this matter very wrong. That the government is not trying to remove protection of animal rights but that the UK will bring in its own stronger laws than that of the EU. 

He mentioned that things like Bull Fighting as still going on, that that would not happen in the UK. As we have stronger and stricter laws in the UK. 

He also talked about how the UK is bring about other such important matters like banning microbeads, and CCTV in abattoirs to insure better treatment of animals at point of slaughter. 

I do trust in the UK that it will hold its environmental and animal rights in high regard once we have left the EU. Until we get to that point we wont know for sure. These headlines in the last few days have provoked real fear in the British people, am glad to see so many people fighting for animal rights. I also hope that they think about when they sit down to dinner or what they pick out on the food shop. 

I have never gone to an open question event like this before. Even though I had heard and read mixed reviews I do feel like he took his time to reply to each of my questions. I left feeling hopeful. I would recommended that you all take a moment from your day to contact your local MP. You may, like me be pleasantly surprised. We am sure, will all be keeping a close eye on what happens next. 

Am sure we will all band together to endure to support stronger laws to protect our wonderful animals here in the UK.

Thank you Alan Mak for your time today.

Click here for the amendment in question

How to contact your local MP

I will update this when I have received more responses from other MP's, if you have contacted yours please comment. 

Tuesday 21 November 2017

Daisy has sprung a leak!! :(

When I replaced Daisy's awning rail, I was pretty sure that I may get a leak. Due to a few screws being a little loose when replacing. I had used some sealant but after quite a few months and some crazy heavy rain she sprung a leak! 

Shes almost 50, she was rebuilt by me, so it wasn't a shock she got a little leak. 

Whats wonderful about old vans, is its all fixable. DON'T PANIC!

Poor girl had sat with a small leak for much longer than I would have liked, but at last I had some time to address it! 

When I replaced the awning rail, I used wood glue and matchsticks to fill the gap. So it was time to try something different on the few screws which where still loose. 

After a chat with my amazing Grandpa, I had a plan. 

The plan is to first unscrew the awning screws (once found which ones are loose) Then using the cooking injector squirt in the wet rot harder, leave for two hours to set. Then squirt in the PVA glue. Why my Grandpa said to use PVA not a harder more permanent glue, is the awning rail will need to come back off at some point in a few years to reseal. The last thing you would want to do is permanently set a few screws into the awning rail. 

It started out as a nice day, but when working outdoors in England it soon turned to wind and rain! 

We will see if this method fixes the leak! Fingers crossed and I will let you know if it works! 

Watch my funny windswept video of me trying to fix it! 

Products I used (Amazon affiliated links)

Captain Creeping Crack Cure -

Ronseal Wood Harder -

Kitchen Craft Injector -

PVA Bons -