Saturday 23 July 2016

Peg Words

Our two boys have a speech and langwish delay. If you have read my other blogs you will have an understanding of how much this impacts our life's. 

Am trying over the summer to spend as much one to one time, with each boys working on getting them ready for September. 

Our oldest Pops is starting year 1 and Bear year R. Bear is much further behind than Pops was last year. 

Pops is starting to write and read, but quite far behind his class. I am very worried. With three childern 5 and under, it can be really hard to get much one to one time! 

My plan is that everly day in the summer holidays, am going to get Dot down for a nap. While she's having a morning nap (she is not like the boys at all who used to have two hour naps, but likes 10min power naps, unless I time it right!) am going to sit down and do an activity with the boys. One to one or both together. 

Their school have given them both a little book, with photos of their teaches and classes rooms. So each day am going through their books, getting them used to the big change that's coming.

I've been trying to think of good one to one activitys I can do to help, with Pops reading, writing and sounding out letters.

Here is the first one.... 

Peg Letters! 

I love this idea, pegging on letters. Finding the matching letter and pegging it to the card. Easy to make, and lots of reading, sounding fun! 

I have printed and laminated lots of words, words they know, like Gigi and Grandma. Some simple words like Cat or Red and harder ones like Sunshine.

Each day I've picked different words, and then got Pops to sound out and find each letter. Then we have talked about that word, it's fun and he's getting quicker each day! 

Keep an eye out for more of these summer learning fun activitys coming soon! 

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