Wednesday 29 May 2019

Beautiful Wedding

If you have been following me on TWITTER or INSTAGRAM you will know that my husband walked out on me a year ago. Its been a hard year, taking care of my three young children, working and dealing with a flood and all sorts of other crazy stuff. So I have been quiet on my blog and youtube channel. I will be writing a little bit about my year soon but as I said at the time, somethings are better keep off here but there will be somethings I will want to share when the dust settles. I do believe talking about somethings really helps others know they are not alone. 

So this isn't a catch up or a am still here, its a wow, my amazing cuz got married and am so happy for them. 

First I have to tell you about the most delightful little cottage we stayed in. I was meant to be taking Margo (my 1967 Sprite caravan) Everywhere was getting booked up and it was all very last minute as my soon to be ex husband had started to see the children again. So we where not sure till last minute if the children would be coming. My amazing mum found this little cottage, and went ahead and booked it. Taking so much stress off me. Now becoming a single mum of three children was never the plan, and even after a year am still building up my confidence on taking them places on my own. So a long drive, looking after and taking my Granny too, to someone else's home was a little overwhelming. I don't think I have ever been so proud of them, they where so kind and well behaved. The cottage was so me, full of lovely little retro items, homely and I even managed to light the fire on my own! With a tip (I hadn't opened the top) from my step father and the fire was perfect! So romantic! I even managed to get a HUGE scary hornet out! 

As you can see the cottage was amazing, bed was cozy too! Loved it. 

The cottage was in the perfect location, just a little walk to the field where the wedding was. I was so proud of my sleepy mini people, the boys walked home helping with bags so I could carry my fast asleep daughter back to the cottage. In heels, in the dark, we all managed it. Fifi, my little girl danced till midnight and had all the adults doing the actions to baby shark! So proud of her, of all three, they where so good. 

I had a lovely bath the night before, very chilled out in the little cottage. Was lovely, so many of my family staying close by in other cottages. Such a wonderful weekend. 

Getting three small people and me all ready for a wedding sounds like a big scary task. I made sure I had everything ready and this made things so much easier. You know me am on a tiny budget, and this was going to be one of the biggest family weddings in a long time! Fifi's dress was a hand-me-down from a friend, so where her shoes. So I only brought a new jumper and hair band, which just pulled the outfit together so well. The boys, they still fit their shirts from christmas (I think its important to dress up for christmas.) So I brought them shorts and new socks. I would have brought Loki a lighter colour jumper but budget didn't stretch that far. 

My outfit was harder, I knew I had lots of dresses but lots I have lost weight so wasn't sure if they would fit.....Being a family wedding I had wanted to wear one of my Great Grandmothers dresses as it was the same family but it was looking a little lose on me. 

I adore this dress, its one of my most fav dresses in my wardrobe and means so much to me. Its very hard to match shoes etc too, as it changes colour in the light. I had brought a cheap handbag (4 pounds in a sale!) Which I really wanted to use, its gold...(am getting really into gold at the moment, just you wait for my next post) But I couldn't find any shoes to match :( Low budget and cutting it close to the wedding, i went through all my shoes and worked out that my red shoes hand-me-downs from my friend which I love worked the best! 

I took both dresses, this one and a new electric blue one I got from a pre-loved kilo sale. The blue won on the day as it was a little colder for a no arms dress! 

The head dress am wearing is my Granny's from the 80's I love it, teamed with some cheap nut funky earrings and I was ready! Red lips to match my shoes and bag! 

Isn't she just the most beautiful little girl ever! She was a joy all weekend, kind, fun and so excited to play and dance with everyone. 

The bedroom window just lent its self so well to taking these photos. I made sure I took them to the local park in the morning to get some energy out, I still had my rags in my hair curling it, so must have looked funny lols. I made sure I packed iPads and snacks. On my own with three at a wedding....I knew I would have family who could help but I didn't want something to happen where I couldn't relax. While they made there beautiful wedding promises to each other, I had made a little den for the boys inside the marquee, with snacks, games and iPads! I was waiting for 'MUMMY THE IPAD HAS RUN OUT' being shouted at some magical moment....But they where perfect. Loki is on the scale and finds things overwhelming. Like big places, loud noise...So away from home, no puppy with us, lots of people and lots of noise. I was worried. I had brought some headphones, he started to freak out when the tent filled and there was lots of new loud noises. The headphones and a film on the iPad. He calmed down and then he could chill in his little world until he felt ok to get involved. 

How cute are my boys! He did and when he did he wasn't stressed about the noise, change is hard for him to handle and I was spilt three ways so snacks, and iPads where a life safer. He took off the headphones and chilled out, it was like a little safely net for him. 

The food!! WOW. Its not often I get to go anywhere where there is lots of vegan food, but VEGAN, VEGGIE and only one meat dish which was local. So thoughtful and amazing! 

My cuz works with birds, helping to monitor and save them. I loved the theme so much! And wow...

The rings where brought in by this amazing OWL!! I was so proud of Fifi, no fear just love. I have always struggled with animals being used or in zoos but I know my cuz (used to work for Green Peace and works to help save birds) I knew that these would be well cared for birds and knowing he had arranged it I relaxed and enjoyed being around them and so close! 

This guy was called Loki, so my son Loki was over the moon! Look at him, so breathtaking! 

The whole day was wonderful. The love which glowed from my coz, was so wonderful to see. I believe in marriage, I maybe going through divorce but I think I just married the wrong person. Love is powerful and brings us together. It really felt like two families joining together. Was truly magical, I was so happy to have been there. 

Can you tell we are related! We matched so well it was like we had planned it.

I would be noting without this woman, my mother, my rock, my best friend, we can make each other giggle just by looking at each other sometimes. She as made sure that my children and I have a roof over our heads and love in our hearts. She is a god send and am so lucky she is mine. Kindness, love and fun! Couldn't ask for more in a mother. She worked three jobs to insure I had food on my plate as a child, my father is not a kind or nice person. She is the light which fills my life. Am so grateful for her. I never wanted to be a single mum after watching my mum struggle. But even now, she is still making sure am fed! Thank you mummy. Thank you for paying bills when my husband stopped paying for his children, thank you for having them over night when he stopped seeing them and thank you for even face timing them when he didn't pick up so they didn't feel unwanted. YOU ARE THE BEST PERSON I KNOW. If I wrote out everything you have done or do for me it would be a book. I LOVE YOU. THANK YOU.

My children and I are so lucky to still have my Granny and Grandpa. I have the best film of Fifi and my Grandpa playing catch. He was running after her, in hid mid 80's and still being an amazing Grandpa! 

Ok am in love with this dress! I brought it a pre-loved kilo sale, I thin kit cost me under 7 pounds!!! Its a SHOW stopper. The colour is truly electric. So easy to wear and just flows as you walk, I felt a million quid in it! I can't wait for the next sale! 

The location...What can I say......

My cuz, made his and a bar, and a bed!! How amazing is he!! 

My wonderful coz, I love him so much. So great to see him in the family colours. Am such a mix, but you can see it in him, that we are Scottish too! My Grandpas family are Scottish. Grannies, Irish and Spanish. My Grandad's Welsh and my Nana's Italian! 

They had arranged a game, and it was hard to pick sides!! As they family he has married into are Italian! So lovely to hear my Nana's languish. 
Thank you for inviting me to be apart of your day. It was magic and full of love, truly blessed with such a wonderful family! 

Thank you Cornwall it was wonderful. 

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