Thursday 30 May 2019

Can a festival reduce its environmental impact?

Festivals and their environmental impact. 

Ok so you follow me, am pretty much vegan, not just in my diet but also look at my life as a whole. I always think about my impact to the planet, lets face it guys and gals, whats the back up plan?? I mostly buy second hand, I drive an old car which has long paid off its build footprint, growing my own veg this year too, so many things from using soap nuts to wash my clothes to soap bars to wash my hair...Can I really say its ok to go to a festival, knowing the impact it has? 

Thank you Bethan Lovatt for the use of your photo of Boomtown aftermath

We have all seen the photos, lets face it, a festival is like a temporally village, right up to a huge city!! But a city has been built up over time and has things in place, rubbish being taken away, water ways, roads etc. A festival is mostly just placed in a large area of green and that has a huge impact to the environment. 

Just people walking over the grass, turns it to mud if it rains or dust if dry. Beautiful green fields turning to dirt at the end of the festival. Let look at the subject of tents.....

Thank you to Tom Potter for this image of Boomtown, he helped to clean up and was there for almost a month doing so! 

I have seen some shocking photos, of pretty much a whole campsites just left. Long walks back to carparks and exits are a factor. Also cheap tents, if it cost you 20quid, its covered in dirt and you have a three hour walk ahead of you..... Well we all get why it happens. Some good as come from it though, charities working to collect tents to give to the homeless, tents, sleeping bags, chairs etc. I also know lots of people who have stayed behind and collected tents from big events like Glastonbury, taken them home with them, cleaned them up, fixed them and then sold them on. Often coming home with a few worth over 800pounds!! 

Thank you to Bethan Lovatt for the use of her photos of the aftermath of Boomtown

Each year though, an estimated 250,000 tents are left at music festivals across the UK. Most though are not collected by charities (which is so sad as I thought that was becoming a thing)but its down to lack of manpower to collect and fix so many. They can’t be recycled, meaning the vast majority will end up in landfill. :(

The average tent is equivalent to roughly 8,750 straws or 250 pint cups. THATS JUST ONE TENT, 8,750 plastic straws!! Think about how we are all trying to get rid of plastic straws and just one tent is more straws than you would use in a year!! 

I think most people just don't care, as long as they can have a good time and don't worry about their impact. But this is a growing problem and we all needs to start thinking about it, as local councils won't allow these events to continue run due to the long term damage they are creating. Also the cost impact is high too. Its will push up the cost of these events to run, in the end pushing up ticket prices, which affects us all! Think about it, thats a lot of rubbish for the event holders to get rid of!! 

Thank you to Tom Potter for these two photos, the same space a month apart. It took a month to clean up after people had left the site! Many events take months to clean up, we can do better surly! 

So what are these events doing about this? A few festivals have come together, they are called 'Association of Independent Festivals.' 
Organisers of more than 60 independent festivals across the UK have issued a call to retailers such as Argos and Tesco to stop marketing and selling ‘festival tents’ as single-use items, which result in almost 900 tonnes of plastic waste every year. Just in tents!! Thats crazy. ('AIF' members are some of the most successful and innovative festivals in the UK including the likes of Boomtown Fair, Shambala, Boardmasters, End of the Road, Bluedot and many more.)

The AIF, are trying to get us all to 'Take Your Tent Home' by campaigning and calling out retailers who are advising tents as a 'single use items.' This campaign follows on from the 'Drastic On Plastic' campaign, launched by AIF last year in partnership with RAW Foundation. They have helped 65 of their members to commit to eliminating all single-use plastic at their events by 2021

Thats amazing, I can't believe its possible but I am hopeful! As already they have managed to get 98% to ditch plastic straws. 40% have banned the sale of single use plastic on-site and 40% have replaced single use bar cups with reusable cups! 65% sold branded reusable drinks bottles and 87% promoted using reusable bottles on site. So already that has made a huge impact, just in one year! I really noticed at South Central last weekend, they where calling for people to bring usable bottles to the site and giving free water at water stations. This was really good to see. 

So be on the look out at the entrances to festivals this summer, for the AIF will be showing videos about their campaign. It will also be shown on social media as well. Its time we all packed up and bossed it home with our tents. I know thats a lot to ask, when people are hung over, tired and have a long walk ahead, to take that tent too. We need to be more hot on this though, your time at the festival is worth leaving the place as it was before.

Why not do what am going to do, don't even buy that plastic tent but take a van or caravan! Its perfect! Am taking Margo my 1967 Sprite, she has a bed, kitchen and bathroom! Sod trying to find a tent, in million of other tents, sleeping on the floor and cooking in the rain, then having to walk to find a loo....I understand why there is an extra charge for campers as they take up more space than tents and they can't sell as many tickets for that space. Having said that ,I will tow my van in and tow her out again! No mess left on my pitch. Home comforts and reusing a 50+ year old van ;) Which had been sat unloved in a garden for over 20yrs! Sod the plastic tent, I will take my van thanks :) Its worth the extra charge!

Long-standing citizen of Boomtown, Bean on Toast has a VERY important message for everyone coming to Chapter 11 event.

So what is Boomtown (the main festival am going to this year) doing to help improve its impact?

They have a 'Green Mission' its so good to read, please click here for the link to it. They are really forward thinking on this issue, its important, how can we be a part of something so magical and be ok with damaging our planet to do it? Its not ok, we have to start looking ahead. If you have children, what world do you want them to live in? When I was a child, they where talking about 'my children, children' save the planet for them... but now we are facing the very real fact that we could lose our oceans in OUR life time. Not our children or our children's children but us, right now!! I know thats a lot to take on board, but why not just make one small little pleach to yourself, something like, taking a reusable bottle with you? Its not huge, but imagine if everyone did. No one dropped a plastic water bottle on the floor, no one had to pick that up, no one had to work out how to bin that, no impact to our environment! That one small action, of just one person, as the power to make a huge impact. People used to laugh at the 'tree huggers' but guys, they where right, go hug a tree, for real, you will free better! 

Am really impressed to see the amount of thought and time, big festivals like Boomtown are putting into thinking about their impact. They are doing things like, if your traveling up on the Wednesday you have to have 3 or more people in the car. This is not only helping co2 impact but also getting people together! I have seen so many people already chatting about car sharing, and meeting up and traveling together. Its already bring people together and thinking about their travel plans! Love that. They are also asking everyone try and fill their car no matter what day they are traveling on! They have partnered up with 'Go Car Share' too so they can help find you a lift or fill your spare seat! 

Boomtown is donating 1pound for every car park pass sold, to Energy Revolution. (They invest in sustainable energy products, and will turn your travel miles into clean energy ! Last year they invested this money into Solar4schools, who aim to put solar panels on the roofs of every school in the UK! I think that is amazing and know my children's school would love that!)

They are growing a forest!! Boomtown have partnered up with 'Tree Sisters' an incredible reforestation charily. Committing to planting one tree for every festival attendee!! Almost 66,000 TREES.  

Boomtown have insured that all bar cups, cutlery and crockery onsite is completely compostable! You can bring or buy a reusable water bottle and fill up at refill stations. They even have bin recycling centres, so festival goers can sort as they go! 

They even have a cycle scheme!! 

Boomtown asked people why they had left their tents, and 12% said they thought if they did it would go to charity. They do not have the man power to save that many tents, so most still go straight to a landfill :( Please don't leave your tent thinking it will help someone, it won't, take it home and donate it your self. 

They have come up with a list of what to pack/take which will really help you not to take extra, which you could just end up binning. 

Make sure you share tents, its more fun too ;) 

You can even now pre-book tents, its not all that much more money, when you add up everything you need to buy and bring. I think this idea is fab, arrive and everything done for you! No having to go buy it and bring it all on a long walk onto site, just arrive, dump your clothes and go check out the event not worry about getting tents up! 

They are really thinking ahead, not just about this one event but getting us all to think about our impact. Its important! 


Its a famous saying but even at a festival they are thinking about it! Bring a useable bottle, make sure you use the bins and the right ones, you can even get a FREE portable ashtray if you smoke! Amazing. 

Well done Boomtown, above is just a few of the things they are doing and asking for help with. Check out their pages as its almost an endless list and I love that they are asking people for their thoughts and to why  people are not bothering to take their tents home. 


The Hippy Chippy shared these photos taken at Shindig festival this year, the 'after' photo was taken before the litter pickers came!! So it is possible!! Click here to see The Hippy Chippy page.

With prices starting from just over 50 pounds, why not let someone else do all the work of pitching your tent for you? Click here to see some other options for not having to carry your tent in with you and drag it back out - camplight

Going Solo to a Festival?

A little catch up and how am now going to a festival on my own.... 

Last year was one of the hardest of my life, not that am not strong but so much happened, my husband of 8 years walking out on me, a flood wrecking the whole of the ground floor of my house, him not bothering with the children for 5 months, not even a Christmas card, but then not paying for them too....It was hard, to hold it all together, putting the children first and their feelings, work, the madness of the house. In a small space of time, the oven, car, dishwater, washing machine and tap broke....I some how managed to get through it all. 

Knowing my husband had moved on, I opened my door to what seamed to be the perfect guy, he invited me to go to a festival in the summer with him and his friends. I hadn't been to a proper dance festival in, I don't know how long, I think about 15 years ago! The first one was when I was 2, lols!! 

Me at Glastonbury in the 80's

I have been to loads of events, used to be a club dancer/promoter, run one of the most successful dance nights on the south coast but since having children I had only been clubbing once. (I have made up for that the last few months) A huge epic festival sounded like the perfect way to move on from my horrible year. I was excited to be doing something so fun with such a fun group of people. I looked into if I could take my caravan Margo, and they said that was fine, so I booked the campervan pass too. Knowing it would be great to have my own bathroom and kitchen, and space to chill out. We had already talked about how Margo can easy sleep 6 people and has a huge awning so others could camp in the awning. I really felt it would be a great little hang out place and imagined lots of us chilling out in the morning or getting ready in Margo. So.....

Well, you know me I never ask for help, am pretty independent. You have no idea how much I have lifted or moved on my own the last year. I can't even begin. I cleared the whole of the side of my house on my own, beds, mattresses, radiators... You name it, I lifted it on my own and moved it, gave it away or took it to the tip. I lifted two butler sinks!! I am small but am strong. (My husband was still dumping stuff down the side of the house after he had moved out...) I was on a mission to make the house perfect for me and the children. 

I had managed to go and collect another amazing little caravan, sleepy and rushing, she slipped off the jack (never trust a Jack) and the whole caravan landed on my ankle. I managed to lift her off my leg, hop into the house, take painkillers and oj for the shock, (making sure I didn't look at my leg/foot.) I then had to move/lift three large sets of drawers out of the back of the Volvo. Carry them into the house, around the caravan which had landed very close to the front door...Then climb in the back of the car, and put the sit back up, then put each of the three car seats in the back, go to the shop to get snacks and then drive to the school. When getting there, parking as close as I could, the pain kicked in and boy did it hurt.  I cried when my friend said, she thought it was broken. What the heck would I do with a broken foot and three kids on my own!! 

It was so hard to ask for help, one friend looked after my three, her four and our friends two. So she could take me to the hospital. I was on crutches for a week. The first weekend, my ex was seeing the children again was the day after doing this to my self. I was in so much pain, I don't think I had anything to eat that weekend as I couldn't stand long enough to make anything. I was on such strong drugs I didn't know what the day was at one point. I asked the guy I was seeing to come see me, maybe even look after me a little. What I had been through was scary. He promised, then when he didn't that night he promised it would be the next night and so on. I HAVE NEVER asked for help like that before. I was gutted, pretty heart broken to be frank. Yet again, I was let down by a guy, even worse he had promised to fix my little girls dolls house and she was asking, saying its ok he will fix it. Gutted. I was very low. I managed to keep going, soon as the minis where back, I stopped taking the stronger drugs and just managed with the pain. They where so caring, my middle little boy was so scared about me going to hospital, it was very hard for him. 

THANK GOD, I hadn't broken it and was off crutches within a week. Thank you James for moving the caravan for me. It was a hard time and I got behind with work. Not only did my body feel broken, i did too. I have a very bad back due to a few car crashes, and if I don't work out it comes back 10 fold. The doctors want me to live on strong painkillers but I couldn't get out of bed on them, let alone, work and look after my children so I just live with the pain. I have noticed its so much better now I work out so I really felt not being able to work out, for my body and my mind. This was most likely the lowest I have ever been in my life, my friends and my mum where really worried about me. 

So the tickets.....sell or wing it on my own...? Looking on Facebook, I saw a post about a group for people going solo. Looked like a proper little gang of people. I started to read through and follow posts, wondering if I was up for going on my own. Towing a caravan to a festival on my own seamed HUGE, let alone a huge festival on my own, a girl of only 5.2..... Then I started thinking about everything I have been through in my life... I mean, god, I have been beaten up, raped, stalked, let down, treated badly. All by people who said they loved me, why not just live my life and stop worrying. The more I followed the Facebook group the more I loved the idea, you see am a wonderer. If I go clubbing, I like to have a little wonder about, am the same at events. Sometimes, going on your own means, you don't have to worry about the acts other people want to see, or not being able to wonder off and meet people or join in with other things or your mate is sleepy and wants to go back etc. The more I read the more I got excited and thought, yes! Am doing this! Am going to this huge crazy thing on my own! 

Here is me wondering off to chat to people at a festival when I was just a toddler. My mum was close by and keeping an eye on me. One of my earliest memories is at Glastonbury, I got lost, running after my father. It was a two hour walk to the first aid tent/meet up place. A lovely couple found me and I remember him carrying me on his shoulders, by the time two hours was up I had talked this poor couple senseless! I have always been independent, and had no fear in just walking up to people and getting to know them.

So how did this group of people going on their own get started?? 

Back in 2006, Bronte started to go to festivals on her own. She found others where in the same boat, and she gathered them together and started having meet ups, it quickly snowballed into a huge movement. When she started coming to Boomtown in 2015, she  he had found others talking about selling tickets or not wanting to come as friends had dropped out of coming. She was having NONE of that so started a group and the 'Boomtown Solo Camp' started. It now has 114 members (growing all the time) and has its own little campsite on site. She also meet her soon to be husband doing the group and they are getting married before the festival this year. 

What does the advice does the original solo girl have for girls going to festivals on their own?

'Try camp with others, make friends with them because there's safety in numbers. 

Leave nothing of value in your tent. Have a emergency contact number on you at all times.

Learn the lay out. 


Always friends to be made..... at the loos, girls talk and if you say you are there alone most will just adopt you. 

Been there alone can be scary but also enlightening.'

So I have gone from feeling pretty broken, going through divorce to getting excited about Boomtown money, hugs and shots with these amazing people! 

Last weekend, it felt like a real step towards moving forward with my life, no more being taken for granted and let down. A summer of fun is what I need. Here I am at almost midnight writing about this, as I have been away for the last three weekends!! And wow have I got some amazing plans coming up in the next few months, but I know Boom town is going to be my years highlight. Thank you to all the Solos for making me feel not only welcome but excited about going!! Yes am planning outfits, yes am thinking of the list of work Margo needs before she is ready of such a long event! I can't wait. So look out Boomtown. The more I read about BT the more exciting am getting, from the money to the storyline, to the fact they are trying so hard to reduce their impact on the environment. Keep an eye out for lots of upcoming blogs about this. Whats it going to be like going on my own? Whats it going to be like taking a 1960's caravan to a dance event? Whats it going to be like??? Am so excited, and nervous!!

Omar - 'Its a completely different experience! You either talk to no one and loose ya marbles or you just talk to everyone and will leave the fest with a new family of 30 happy ravers.
Also no waiting around or looking for people all the time 

Elisabeth - 'My boyfriend is not into festivals, and that’s why I’ve started to go solo... now I’ve made sh*t loads of awesome friends in the solo’s, but still call myself solo ðŸ˜› 

In this years of been solo, I’ve meet people who literally travel from the other side of the world to come and make their dream come true to be at festivals.

People who had tickets and then break up with relationships and decide to push themselves after that.

People who want to build self confidence and jump into...'

Brunhilda - 'From an older perspective.
At 39 I had three kids two businesses, a 12 yr marriage.
I was a party animal at Uni - pre marriage kids and adulting.

I spent 12 yrs making all the above my focus and then stopped one day and thought Im a mom, a boss, a wife wheres me ?

Went to Glasto solo 4 yrs ago and been to loads of festivals since, after meeting loads of friends I now call family.

Solo means doing what you want when you want.
Finding yourself
Making new friends
Pushing your own limits
Finding your own strengths.
Not feeling oblidged to stay or hang out or watch or do things u dont want to do.
Ability to dip in and dip out of most things knowing there is likely someone to join u if you want or take Some solo time if u need...

Going solo is about firstly satisfying what iT is you need and then hopefully meeting Some soul mates in the process

Stay safe and have fun folks xxx'

Robert - 'My friends bailed on me last year, actually contemplated giving up my ticket then about 3 weeks before I found the group, best thing that ever happened such a great bunch of genuine, loving people and so that’s why I’m so happy to return to the group this year so looking forward to seeing everyone again and looking forward to meeting all new polos ❤️🤟'

Rachel - 'I've done it before a long time ago at creamfields after I had split up with my fiance at the time.... And I'm doing it now because I can ðŸ˜„ I think if you're lucky enough to be able to afford the luxury of experiencing a festival then go for it whether you're on your own or not.'

Will - 'I've been going every year to Boomtown, since chapter 3 so... 8 times. For the last two or three times I've gone of my own. I used to go with a mate but due to personal reasons he became unfit to attend. I tried to persuade others to come with me but couldn't. Obviously I wasn't going to miss it, so I had no choice but to start going it alone.

Already knowing my way around helped, I didn't feel particularly threatened or unsafe. My main concern was making sure no one slipped my a micky and mugged me, which seems to be easy enough if you're careful.

I've only ever been robbed once. A guy stole one of my (expensive) costume props and set off like fuckin Linford Christie down the street. I chased the basta*d but he outran me.

The best thing about going it alone is you can get up whenever you want, go wherever you want, see whoever you want, talk to whoever you want and fall in love with whoever you want, without having to have a discussion/argument about it. There's only so many times you can say "Where do you wanna go now?" before it starts to get on your t*ts.

It also eliminates the worry about where your mates are if you get separated. If you're in a crowd, you turn around, your mate's fuckin disappeared without a trace, you spend an hour looking for them trying to call them wondering whether they're being raped by some crackhead behind the sh*tters. Being alone is far less stressful.

And being alone it forces you to approach other people and make new friends. You might end up shotgunning tinnies in the Psy Forest with some lads from Leeds, or cuddling a pretty girl whilst watching the sun come up in a mandy induced love sesh at the lookout, or joining a band of bandits from Copper County and holding up the Inconvenience Store.

Free yourself. Go solo.'

Jovan 'I've been going to Boomtown for a number years - first invited by a mate of mine. Last year was my first time solo as he sadly passed away a month or 2 before but he had always said Boomtown was his spiritual home so figured I'd go nonetheless.

I used to have a group of friends that I would come with however they've decided to go to another festival instead (which I'll be going to as well) but I love Boomtown so thought I'd come again.'

Omar A - 'I go clubbing on my own a lot, but I don't normally do many festivals or nature (bad hayfever and I'm a city boy). So thought I'd push myself out of my comfort zone as my birthday's on the Sunday and I just wanna see what happens!

I've been to Burning Man and I've been told BT is the closest I'll get in Britain.'

Emma-Louise - 'This may be my first time going solo to a festival!! My fiancee was always my main festival buddy. Then we broke up (sad times) and none of my friends are free/could afford it/fancy Boomtown. In a fit of enraged single fury I thought, why should I have to give up something I love just because I don't have that relationship any more?! Then I found this group and it's seeming like a pretty awesome idea to me ðŸ‘Œ'

Zane - 'Been to boomtown the last 4 years and u will always end up losing all the people you are with and finding yourself and some new friends on the way'

Watch this space!  

South Central Day Two

Day two, it started with being handed a veggie burger in bed at like 10am! It was the best burger ever and very much needed. We took our time, Sunday and got there much later. Poor Lou's feet had been cut apart by her boots. :( Patched up and getting ready, I took off most of my outfit and brought a jacket due to it being colder. 

I should have had wings and a 2ft headdress, but after the hate on Sat and feeling tired and not as strong I left them at home. 

Even with a much more chilled outfit I still got stared at and lots of negative comments. Am pretty strong normally not caring, am used to standing out, I have warn a 1960's cocktail dress on the school run lols. I have always been different and a little more out there. A few people have commented that it made me seam unapproachable, a male friend said guys where staying away from me as they where intimidated of me in the Gold outfit. Looking back at the photos I think I look quite high maintenance which am as far from as you can get lols. 

I don't know how Lou kept going all Sunday when I saw her feet when we got home!! SHE BOSSED IT. Kept dancing and didn't let it wreck the weekend. 

After the hate on Sat, I think I had a resting bit*h face, lols. 

It was amazing how much the scarf around my neck kept me warm! It made a huge difference. I was blown away by Mr Motivator!! He was a amazing, I would go again just to see him. We arrived when he was on, we where tired and not feeling the lack of sunshine, he proper motivated us, we got up and started dancing. I was shouting 'YES' loads. He's fab!! 

I was most shocked my GLC, they where amazing, well done Welsh boys! They where so rude, but so fun. I was dancing away, it was so much fun! 

'I like drinking, so I wrote a song about drinking...' One of my favourite lines! Lols

We were tired, Lou's feet where killing her but we had so much but we powered through. 

Our fav tent was the 80/90's tent, it was fab! Old school and just what I used to dance too 'back in the day' lols. We spent most of our time in there, and had a little sit down too ;) 

I loved my outfit, it was like a pre-run for a big event later this year. These boots worked so well, they where from a charity shop only 5 pounds. I had only used them once, so I sprayed them black! Perfect! They did rub a little but wasn't too bad! 

Was so wonderful to bump into this beautiful girl! I haven't seen her in like 9-10 years!! So excited to go out in a few weeks, will be like old times. 

I didn't manage to get all the gold glitter off, no one knew it was the same girl, which I really liked! lols. 

We had so much fun, Sunday was a very different vibe, it was emotional too. The family and friends of the two people who died at the event last year came on stage and everyone clapped. It was really emotional, and sent chills through me. Amazing moment, I will remember forever. Guys and girls, don't mess with drugs. What was great to see, was so many things had been added. Like water stations, asking people to bring in reusable bottles. I would have liked to see more bins, closer to stages, I know they are a risk but we tripped up loads on all the bottles on the floor, people where dropping them as there was no where to put them :( I was quite hard to dance as there was much on the floors.

Am really pleased to see that the families worked with the festival and put in place real changes, to make it safer. Its not about closing things down but working to make it a safe place for all. The staff did a fab job and our bags where checked on both days. People where being really proactive at speaking up if they saw things. While in the loos, I over heard a girl freaking out, her friend was trying to calm her down saying she will come up soon. A few drinks is that is all you need, don't put your life in some drugs hands. 

Georgia Jones's mum Janine, one of the two people who died last year, has set up the page 'Don't go with the flo' To help raise awareness about keeping safe at such events (link at the bottom of the page.) Huge love love to all the family and friends of Georgia and Tommy, well done for staying strong and standing up to make real changes. 

WOW what a closing party. The fireworks where amazing, the fire and lights, wow! I loved that they played Fire Starter. We came, we saw, we danced, we found a hat and I was given some sunglasses lols! I fell in a river (don't ask, we had to jump a river to get home. lols) It was fab!! Thank you South Central for a great weekend, fab acts and safe feel. Am sure we will be back to next year.

Wednesday 29 May 2019

South Central Day One

So as you know I have had a hard year, so it was about time I let my hair down....well ok its a wig, but I keep getting told now to dye my hair this colour. Lol.

South Central

I was gutted our signs where taken off us at the gate :( As would have been so much fun!! I need to make some new ones now. Lols.

I had an epic time. 

We pushed the boat out and paid extra for VIP and am so glad we did, well the Barbie box for one...lols. The bar had no que, nice place to sit, no queuing for food and the loos where a MILLION times better. I know it sounds pampered but I would pay extra for nicer loos again! Made such a difference.

This girl, she has been there for me this year when I haven't even needed to ask, she has just known when I needed her. Being single mums on a mega small budget we did so well on our outfits! Making things, buying second hand off eBay and a few bits from Primark. I was a little shocked we where pretty much the only ones this dressed up! I have a background of club promotion and dance so for me this was;t that dressed up and very much like what I used to wear club dancing back in the day...

Mostly we got loads of love for it, high 5's, hugs, loads and loads of photos with people but there was the odd horrible comment. We where really covered up compared to a lot of girls, who had bums, tums and boobs out. We where covered up, my bum was a little out but I was head to toe in glitter. lols. Yes am still getting it off now, and anyone who hugged me got covered.

We meet loads od wonderful people! Some like us who had gone for it. I was disappointed that others felt the need to drag me down about what I was wearing. We girls should build each other up not pull each other down. I saw someone dressed up and living there best life, and I would hug, high 5 or tell them!!!

A few where horrible and then I would get chatting to them about being a mum of three, going through divorce and that I was not caring what others thought anymore. For years I was dragged down about how i look, being over weight, wearing clothes he hated, said he hated being seen with me etc. So sod it no one is telling me what I can wear again! 

Lets take a moment to thank you everyone who helped to keep us all safe and was nice about it.  South Central was renamed after two people died last year. Drugs. DONT DO DRUGS KIDS.

Its not big and its not clever. 

Its not like it was back in the day, its stronger, and cut with god knows what. Not only is it dangerous, it also messes with your mental wellbeing. 12 men take their own lives in the UK, every week. I look younger than I am so getting chatted up by guys in the 20's and its shocking how many are not just having the odd thing for a big event but taking stuff all the time, even when just down the local for drinks with friends :( Then getting into a pattern of needing it just to get up for work....

Ive watched it mess with people, making you confident and in love. You do not need white stuff to talk to people or have a good time, you do not need to take something you have no control over once its in your body to dance and have fun. I was so upset that some guy watched me dance and then made a rude comment about 'how many pills' No I wasn't even drinking on day two as I  knew I had the kids early. Just cos am confident and love to dance does not mean i need drugs to do it. Its sad that its something which people are relying on to have a good time. 

I have been clubbing since I was 14, I have worked in clubs and large events, the first festival I went to I was 2, lols. Ive seen a lot of stuff. I get you feel down and want that high, but don't. It will pull you up and then slam you down to the ground, lower than you where before.  It messes with you long term. I know drink is just as bad, but at least you can see most of the time when to stop. Once you have take something, you have no control over it or what it may do to you. 

I will touch on this again in my next blog about day two.

So excited, a new club Eden, is opening in Gunwharf. Tiger Tiger is closing after something like 18 years and being replaced with Eden. I am really looking forward to seeing what they have come up with. 

How cute are these two from the club too ;)

Am not going to lie, I think these are my new fav shoes!!! I love them!! 12 hrs of dancing and my feet where fine. A hidden heel too! As am so short. They where great in the field and so easy to wear. I will be writing a little blog with festival outfit tips coming soon so keep an eye out.

Loads of people asked me where I got my headdress from, so as I made it, I think I should start selling them!! Will share a link to my ETSY site soon :) I had gone for a retro Mermaid feel, but the shoes changed the colour of my outfit so I turned in to the girl in gold lols. A few people still said mermaid which was cool. I did hid in vip a few times as I was getting evil looks and nasty comments. I felt very on show, and people can be mean! A lot of people thought I was working there. So much so, we both dressed down a lot for the second day. Oddly even though I was far more dressed down I still got the same level of hate lols and less of the love! 

The music.

Wow, Craig David has still got it! Love his set. WOW Rhythm of the 90's they where EPIC!! I loved how you could wonder around to different sets and acts, the balance was perfect!

We didn't stop dancing, till Lou's feet where bleeding!! I lost my rainbow thing and was handed some glasses by a drunk guy! The temp really dropped and we where both freezing.Getting home was hard work and we really felt 12hrs of dancing the next morning!!