Tuesday 29 December 2015

All In Pasta

After a few days of Christmas roasts, I really felt the need of something really stodgy. So here is my recipe for All In Pasta.

It's a great way of getting rid of any left over bits of veg, what ever is in the fridge gets chucked in, within reason ;)

I had some sugar snaps and beans too use up, so I added them as well.
A good base to use for this is-

1 onion
1 tin of tomatoes
3 handfuls of mixed mushrooms
Half to a whole courgette
1 Apple
2 spring onions

I used a soya mince (follow the pack intructions.) 

It really is a case of what ever you have to use up, throw in:

Handful of beans
Handful of sugar snaps
Half a leek
3 handfuls off frozen pees (I love adding in frozen veg, I often have a little left over in the freezer, add after the liquid.) 
1-2 cups of red wine
1-3 tins of water (after putting in the tin of tomatoes, fill the tin with water and add to the pot.)

Main things you can't go wrong with having to hand is pepper, rosemary, it can add up buying all your herbs at once but start with rosemary. 

Chili powder


Pasta (this is main part, so it depends on how hungry you are. I made it for two people, in the very hungry camp.) 
3-4 tablepoons rice
1-3 tablespoons of porridge 

I keep all my pasta etc, in large jars, air tight, easy to grab and see what am running low on. 


Half-1 handful of sunflower seeds
Half-1 handful of mixed seeds
Half-1 handful of sesame seeds
A quick shake of chia seeds

(This is up too you, use your favourite seeds, they will fill your dish with goodness and crunch!) 

These little jars are from IKEA, they are perfect for seeds or herbs.

Anything I buy in a jar, I keep the jar, always come in handy. 

Chop onions, celery courgette and leak all to the same size about 1-2cm big. Fry onions first, adding courgette celery spring onion leaks, beans and sugar snaps. Add mushrooms and once starting to really heat up and turn golden add the rest, add a clove or two of garlic too if you like. If am just cooking on the hob, I only add one tin of water per tin of tomatoes added. (Add the tin of tomatoes, then fill that tin with water and add.) If am going to pop it in the oven to slow cook then I at least double the water per tin. In this case I added 3 tin fulls of water for one tin of tomatoes. Make sure you add any frozen veg after the liquid. Add rice and half cooked (half boiled) pasta. Brill to a quiet boil. Then pop in the oven. 

Depending on when you want to have dinner, as to time and temp. I cooked on a low heat of 125, for about an hour and a half-two hours. If you need to wait three hours cover and lower the temp. The first thing to go is the liquid. You don't want to lose all of it, so keep an eye when your get over the first 45mins. 


A real stodgy filling meal, our 18ms old love it too! 


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