Wednesday 15 August 2018

Retro Festival 2018

This was my 3rd Retro Fest, my first was with Daisy (who still needed a lot of work) and three mini people. 
My second was a child free weekend with my husband and a very show worthy Daisy. 2018 was only my second outing as a soon to be divorced, single caravaner. 

Only Margo and Ditto's second outing together and their first show! 

Ditto is still not running right, am awaiting a quote....its going to be a scary quote. :(

I thought I had taken a small truck load of clothes but I could have taken more.

 I did giggle a few weeks ago when a lady was looking at retro dress while out shopping with my best friend. She remarked that they where good for 'fancy dress' I giggled out loud. As at the time I was wearing one of my favourite 1970's dresses. (Yes I wear retro/vintage every day, even the school run. Though sometimes you won't spot it.) 

So for retro fest I took my more dresser outfits and all the extras like hats and gloves.   

This is my all time favourite dress. From my Mothers collection, and slowly getting to the point where I will have to stop wearing it due to damage :( Its well hidden here though. This is my 'hand-me-down' outfit. I made the hat many years ago, the gloves where my Granny's evening ones, the petticoat is also from my Mothers collection. Fake fur shall is my Great Grandmothers, shoes and bag where a gift from my lovely friend. Am still as always working on getting my hair right, it does what it likes lol.

You can see here the sliver tread which runs through the dress. I will cry when I won't be able to wear this one anymore but am hoping to take a patten from it. 

Meet Cherry Bomb, and wow, what a trunk! Not only is she a show stopper but her owner is lovely too. Took me under her wing and introduced me to such a lovely group of people who I danced the night away with! 

People really do pull out all the stops for showing at Retro Festival! One of my friends beautiful caravans

I truly had one of the most amazing weekends in a very long time. I felt completely free to be my self and was complemented for it! Treated to afternoon tea in the 1940's tea room, danced the night away and taught lots of Jive moves. I will have to get some lessons between now and next year so I can keep up! (Remembering to not wear a corset next time for dancing...) 

The bands where brilliant, I loved the singer, I will have to look up his name. 

Wonderful event. 

As you all know am from a long line of hoarders, so I already have a lot of retro items in my home. Am always on the look out for new items and Retro Festival is a fab event to look!

I was very good and only brought two items one being this 50p coaster! Not only is it a babycham one but also my star sign! 

I love seeing everyone dressed up and just look at this chap with 'PatsCrap' I think all men should take leaf out of this guys book as a well dressed man is far more attractive! 

I have been waiting for ages to see what my china looked like in Margo and I love it! Also showing off my Grandparents glasses and my picnic box! I still need to make at least one more set of curtains....

I still can't get my hair to do what I want but am slowly learning to just roll with it and not fight to much! As it ends up doing what ever it wants anyway! 

Click above to see my video :)

Keep an eye out for more blogs and videos about Retro Festival coming soon.

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