Tuesday 29 January 2019

1 Vintage 1960's Caravan, 1 Classic 1980's car & 3 Childern

My very first camping trip in Margo (1967 Sprite Major) alone with my children. They are 4, 6 & 7. They are mostly loud, busy and are behind with their understanding and speech. It was only my 3rd trip out towing with Ditto (1985 Volvo 240) and Margo. I haven't hitched up that many times and never towed on my own with my 3 children. Am a pretty outgoing person, stood on stage in font of hundreds of people and given speeches but I have always been worried about pulling into a petrol station with the caravan on the back....What if there is no space to turn, what if i can't reverse...loads of what if's. So I made sure I would have to full up the car on the return and didn't go find a petrol station without the caravan before hitching up and leaving. I DID IT! 3 busy kids in the back and having to reverse as the petrol cable couldn't reach over the car...

I knew once I got this trip out of my way I would be able to do it again and again. Each time getting easier. I have to face that am now a single mother of three and am not going to give up on taking them away. It gives us so much freedom and lets us have holidays much cheaper and which I can just about afford. People like Disney shaped my childhood into thinking I needed a prince to save me, well I have done pretty much everything on my own for a long time anyway. What we are told is that we need someone to save us and we are only a strong independent woman if we don't ask for help. Well, its ok to ask for help and heck, when caravanning there is always someone who at one point didn't know how to hitch up or get their oven working. Its ok to say, hey would you mind helping me get the jockey wheel unstuck or moving my caravan. Like the wonderful Pam said to me 'You can do anything.' Thank you Pam, your right, I can, I towed, I hitched and unhitched and my children had a wonderful weekend and didn't want to go home. Made friends and got to run about in the fresh air. 

Now don't get me wrong it was not all rose petals and sunshine! Three children with extra needs who are unsettled anyway, in a new caravan for the first time (they where very used to Daisy, I was too, and still working out where to put things in Margo.) There where moments of pour Joy and some pretty hard moments with over tired mini people and just one me. If your caravanning on your own, I highly recommend a rally. I knew I was meeting understanding friends and lovely people. Made a huge difference knowing there was people I knew in the field. Whats great about being in your own caravan, is you pick when you want to come or go. We needed to get back for a very important birthday party so we left a little early. 

So the campsite, it was beautiful. Am editing a video just of a little walk around, early in the morning in the fog. Beautiful. 

Would I say it was a child friendly site....hmmm. Yes and no. With so many people fishing I felt I had to keep a check on how loud the children where being when walking by the lakes. There where a few families with younger children fishing but over all, it was very quiet. I would say its more suited to those looking for a quiet campsite. The road noise in the videos is really loud and walking around in the morning it was very noticeable. But I didn't hear it in the caravan at night or in the daytime chatting to friends etc. Its a well laid out site but there is construction going on. 

If they added a playground at the back of the field then I think it could really bring more pull for families.

It was though, very beautiful, and wow in the fog. Goodness beautiful! 

I was so proud of my self and faced one of my fears and thats getting petrol while towing!

I left the campsite knowing I would need to get fuel, in order to push me to do it while towing. I know it may sound silly, but I was worried about getting stuck in a petrol station. Its a long rig, 16 foot caravan and over 16ft car, and a-frame.... I DID IT!! 

There where so many amazing little wonderful moments of joy, it took us a little while to get used to Margo but the space was perfect! The boys loved the bunkbeds and there was just so much more room than in daisy. Out own bathroom made a big difference with having small people and me being on my own did mean I didn't have to leave minis on their own in the night for loo runs! 

There is nothing quite like making a coffee in the van, brings back so many childhood memories for me and i know am giving my children the same!

Unlike a hotel room or rented, a caravan is your own space. A space the children know and filled with your own things so it makes it a much more relaxed space. Though it did take us a little while to get used to the new amount of space in Margo. Top tip, toys which are only saved for the caravan! Also you can keep minis busy for ages with a washing up bowl and some toys! (He was washing his dinosaurs for ages!) 

Was so nice to see the minis playing with a few of my old toys! It doesn't take much to keep them entertained with a few friends on site! 

There is soooooo much space in Margo!! I can't wait to get away again. I did work out I was lacking lots of things, being the first time taking the minis away with me.....Lights being one of the things! Very lucky to have great friends with the Retro Caravan Club! Enter ice-cream fairy lights! 

I think three nights was pushing our luck for my first time away alone with the minis but it was such a wonderful mini holiday and now I have done it i can't wait till next year! Margo needs lots of work but she is usable for the moment. If your worried about going away as a single parent or on your own, join a club and go on a rally. People are so friendly when caravanning, as most had to learn at some point and there is always someone about to help push a caravan. GO FOR IT!! Am truly proud that I haven't given up my caravan and that my children will get to go to some amazing places. 

Click below for my video: